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"I hate November," Madeline commented walking home from school with Sam, Hallie, and Charlie.

"It's like such an in between month," Hallie said. 
"I have to go to home today, sorry babe," Madeline told her boyfriend, leaning against his arm. 

"I can come over there," Sam told her. 

"Dad's home,"

"I don't care," Sam told her. Richard had been getting a bit more supportive of their relationship, but not let them be awake and alone in Madeline's room supportive. 

"Ohh~ Sam's going to have some fun," Charlie commented, Sam elbowed him

"Shut up," 


"Charles, come on!" Hallie exclaimed, pulling his arm as they got to the Thomas house. 

"Fine, Harriet,"

"Can everyone just stop calling me Harriet!"


"Madeline!" Mary Anne exclaimed running into the room. 

"Shh!" Sam exclaimed, gesturing to the sleeping girl laying on his chest. 

"Sorry," Mary Anne whispered, "why is she sleeping?"

"She's over exhausted, she's barely slept the last week," Sam told his girlfriend's sister. 

"Understood," Mary Anne said, backing out of the room. 


"Hey dad?" Mary Anne questioned.

"Yeah?" Richard Spier responded, chopping up vegetables.

"What has Madeline been doing the last week?"

"I know she had a pretty important physics test last week. Her and Sam got ice cream on Tuesday. She was at the Thomas's a lot, her, Hallie and Sophie had a sleepover on Saturday,"

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"I keep tabs on both of you. Madeline is more concerning,"

"Well she is passed out," Mary Anne said, "and I really need to talk to my sister right now,"

"Does it pertain to a boy?" Richard asked, turning on the stove and putting a bot on. 




"girl stuff?"

"Not really,"

"Oh good. Talk to me then,"

"Well, you see. I'm sorry I can't, it's too odd,"


Sam left about and hour and a half later. Mary Anne came into her room. Madeline was sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. 


"Yes?" She responded drowsily. 

"Are you okay?" Mary Anne asked as Madeline stood up and went over to her vanity. 

"I'm fine," she responded, "just tired,"

"Sam said you had barely slept the last week,"

"Yeah some things have been going on," Madeline answered, "Sam said you came by, what's up?" Madeline asked, brushing her long blonde hair. 

"Somebody copied us," Mary Anne said.


"Lacy Lewis and Michelle Patterson," Mary Anne replied.

Always?- Sam ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now