Chapter Twenty Three ~ We Love You, Kat

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I've been in this goddamn hospital for five days.

My wish is to leave, but no one has given me a clue on when.

The only thing I hear everyone ask me is, "Who did this to you?"

My answer? All I say is, "I don't remember."

And you won't believe how many times I've been asked that question.

I roll my eyes at the thought and look around the room. Get-Well cards, balloons, and flowers were piled on the bedside table to my left. I pick up a card from April and begin reading it for the third time since she's given it to me.

The front of the card had a dog saying, "Get well soon!"

When I open up the card, I re-read the familiar words that have been glued in my head.

   Get well soon. I miss you SO much.
You have to tell me who did this to you.
Try to get your memory back from that day.
Colby and I told everyone at work that you're okay. Steph is really worried, and so is her husband. They want to know who did this to the WWE's best Diva and future Diva's Champion. (:
Jon hasn't been talking to anyone. I can tell he's worried about you. He looks like he hasn't gotten much sleep. He misses you, Kathryn.

"Yeah, he sure does miss me, alright." I say to myself in a sarcastic tone of voice. I then add, "Why would he fucking beat me to the ground and rape me, then?"

I close the card and put it back on the table, afraid of any bad memories coming back to haunt my mind.

I try my best to forget that horrific day, but how can I? Even as I try to forget everything that happened, the memories come back.

And Jon is still here.

I work with him. I see him on a daily basis.

Hell, I'm in The Shield with him. I play his girlfriend.

Knots twisted in my stomach. Playing as his girlfriend in The Shield, WWE's most dominant team on the roster.

How am I supposed to look into his eyes and kiss him infront of thousands of people?

How am I supposed to fight with him watching my every move?

How am I supposed to even be in the same ring as him?

These questions came into my mind, and I knew that they wouldn't leave until I would find answers. But questions like those . . . it isn't easy to find answers for them.


How will I do it?

Well, I'm not sure.

A knock on the door inturrupted me out of my thoughts and I paid attention to who came in the room. April and Colby came in with candy, flowers, and a movie. I rolled my eyes while chuckling a bit.

"You guys sure do know how to spoil me."

April smiled. "We love you."

Colby walked over to the left side of the bed and sat the stuff down on the table. He picked up the movie case and showed it to me. The Woman In Black it read. "We got you a scary movie to watch. We know how much you love scary movies." He said. He set the case down and took my hand in his. "How are ya' feeling, little sis?"

"Still breathing, right?" I asked, smiling up at one of my best friends who I thought of as a big brother.

Colby smiles at me, and leans down, wrapping his big arms around me. "God, I missed you." He says, sniffling a little bit. I couldn't help but ask myself, Is he about to cry?

After we pull away, I see that he has a few tears already falling out of his eyes. He gives me the look that says I'm-worried-about-you.

"I'm fine, Colbs." I say, giving him a small smile.

I look over to April who is sitting on the edge of the bed, holding my hand in both of hers, trying not to cry.

"Please don't cry, guys. I'm fine. I'll be out of this place real soon."

April squeezes her eyes shut, to keep from crying. But it doesn't work. She begins to break down, loud sobs exploding in the room. I quickly sit up and help Colby try and calm her down. "I just wa-wanna k-know who did thi-this to y-you." She says, sobing even louder than before.

Eventually, after telling her that the Diva's Championship would look better around my waist than hers, she lifts her head up from her hands and smiles at me. "That reminds me." She says. My eyes widen.

"Stephanie said that you're still getting your title shot and you're still scheduled to win!" She exclaims, clapping. I roll my eyes. "Nahh, you need to keep that title, April."

"Um, I've had it for too long, and you're the only Diva who knows how to wrestle besides me."

"Whatever." I say, smiling.

After sitting in silence for about ten minutes, April and Colby decide it's time to let me rest.

April comes over to the right side of the bed and turns out the lamp. "Get some sleep, Kathryn." She says, leaning down and gently kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight."

She and Colby look at me one more time before Colby says, "We love you, Kat."

Then they walk out, leaving me in the darkened room with only the window's blinds up so I can see the outside world.

I look over at the window and see a few cars pass by.

The pitter-patter of the rain slowly makes me feel sleepy, and it isn't long before I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I know, I know. Short chapter, Im sorry. But I needed to update for you guys!

Next update should be coming this weekend probably? I hope. Ive been really busy :(

I hooe you all have a lovely Valentines Day! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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