Chapter Seven ~ Long Night

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Tonight was Smackdown.

I was in my ring attire with Alexis and Amelia backstage with us. Me and Alexis hadn't talked much since this morning and, to say, I wasn't looking forward to talking to her. She should have told me what Jack was putting her through. But did she? Nope. Instead, she decided to get hit by a guy who isn't actually a man, but who is a little boy.

Everyone was in mine and April's locker room with April talking to Alexis. Jon, Colby, and Joe were playing with Amelia. I watched them play for a couple minutes before walking to the door to go out into the hallway.

"I'll be back, guys." I said as I opened the door. Amelia came running up behind me and started tugging at my boots. "Can I come with you, Aunt Kathryn?" she peeped.

I looked at her sister and asked, "Can she?"

Alexis nodded and smiled, and went back to talk to April. Amelia's small hand grabbed mine as we walked out in the hallway and into catering. Once we got there, I got Amelia a couple of cookies and some juice and got myself some strawberries. We sat down at an empty table.

"Guess what, Aunt Kathryn?" Amelia said.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I said and smiled.

"I'm going to school soon!"

"That's amazing." Another voice joined in. I looked up to see Nick. "Um, excuse me. But this is a table for two, not for three." I said.

"Well, I would like to talk to this little girl here. She is your daughter?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"No, she is my niece."

"Well," he said, turning to face Amelia, "Your aunt is the most beautiful person in the world, you know." then he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I pulled away and gave him an Are-You-Serious look. He winked at me.

"What about Uncle Jon?" Amelia said and looked at me. Nick's smile went into a frown. And, of course, I had nothing to say, so I decided to leave and get back to Alexis and get the girls in their seats for the show.

"Let's go, Amelia. We're going back." I said and got up, picking up Amelia and walking back to the locker room.

"Hey, babe." Jon said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Hi." I said. Jon let go of me and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Lets get Lex and Amelia to their seats for the show." I said and hurried out the door and went down by the gorilla, walked down the ramp, and walked beside the ring with April, Jon, Joe, Colby, Amelia, and Alexis not far behind. I pointed to front-row seats that the cameras would be facing for the show.

"There is where your tickets say you'll be. You'll be on camera for most of the time, pretty much." I said. I didn't really feel like staying any longer so I decided to head back to mine and April's locker room while April and the guys helped Amelia and Lex with their seats.

Once I got in the locker room. I sat on a nearby couch and stared at the floor. About a minute later, I heard the door open, then close. April sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Kat? You can tell me anything." She said. I looked at her, and by the expression on her face, I could tell that she was really worried about me. I sighed and said, "I've just been having a really bad day today and I really don't feel like being here. I'll tell you the details once we get back to our hotel but I just don't even know what to say right now."

"Oh, Kat. You're going to be okay. Just don't let those things get to you tonight, because you will fight like a wuss. Trust me. It's happened to me before." She said. She got up and offered a hand. I took it and she helped me stand to my feet.

"Good luck on your match tonight, Kat."

"Pshh, luck is for losers." I said. April rolled her eyes and laughed. "So I'm guessing I'm a loser?" She said as she took off a bracelet. It was the bracelet I gave her when she became my friend. It was silver with pink hearts all around it. I had the same one, except mine had light blue hearts.

"I keep it on every day and every night. I wear it in the ring and it gives me good luck." She said as she looked at the bracelet and smiled at it.

"It's cool, because I wear mine every day and every night, too." I said and pulled up my sleeve to show my bracelet. April smiled at me.

Suddenly, the door opened and Jon came in. "Hey, can I talk to Kathryn for just a second?" he asked April. She nodded and said, "I'll go into the hallway." She said and left, closing the door behind her.

I stared at Jon. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Well Amelia said something to me about Nick and you. She said he kissed your hand." he told me. Great, Jon knows something that I didn't want him to know about.

"Look, after he did that, I left with Amelia. I was angry with him and I still am. You have to believe me, I don't like Nick at all. I hate him and I will never be with him just please don-" I was cut off by Jon's lips pressing against mine. Thank God he isn't mad at me. Wait, he isn't mad at me, right? I should ask him that question once we're finished with our little make-out session. I kissed back. Jon had licked my botton lip for entrance, which I glady let him.

But, of course, everyone needs to breathe after a while so we let go of each other.

I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. "So you aren't mad?"

"Why would I be mad at you, babe? I'm just going to teach that asshole a lesson the next time I see him." He said and smirked. I smiled at him and said "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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