Chapter Twelve ~ Storyline

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"Daddy, I missed you!"

Oh my God. Joe's daughter is the cutest thing ever!

"This is her?" I asked Jon, who was standing next to me in the parking lot while we watched Roman and his daughter have their moment. She was a beautiful little girl who looked a lot like her father.

They walked over to us, hand in hand. Once she saw Jon, her face lit up with excitement. "Hi, Jon!" She peeped, running over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck as he bent down to give her a hug.

"Hey, JoJo, sweetheart." Jon said, letting go of her and wrapped his arm around my waist. Roman looked at JoJo and then at me. "This is Kathryn." He said, pointing to me. JoJo looked at me and smiled really wide, showing her small teeth.

"I saw you on TV before! You're the best and the prettiest." She told me, holding out her small hand so I can shake it, which I did.

"Thank you so much!" I said, smiling down at the small girl before me. "Are you going to be a wrestler when you grow up?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'm going to be just like you!" She said.

"Well when you do become a wrestler, I'll be watching."

I looked at Roman who was smiling at his daughter. "Let's get inside, JoJo." He said. JoJo went to her father and took his hand. Jon and I walked hand in hand into the building.

Stephanie wanted The Shield and I in her office and I had a feeling of why she wanted us to meet her.

Once we got everything set, we made our way to Stephanie's office.

Politely, I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, she opened it.

"Ah, Kathryn, Colby, Jon, and Joe. It's good to see you. Please come in." She said, holding the door open for us. We sat in the four seats they had and began talking.

"Now, we think it's time for a female to join The Shield. And we want that female to be you, Kathryn." Stephanie said, smiling wide at me. I looked around at the boys and they all smiled at me.

She continued talking. "Now we want you to be in a relationship with Jon but Nick will try and win your heart. They will eventually have a fight to see who will take you. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes! It's perfect! Thank you so much, Stephanie."

"You're welcome, sweetie. Tonight will be the night where you will join The Shield. Here are your scripts." She said, handing us our new scripts. "Pretty simple stuff, actually. You win your match against April and they come down. You talk for a bit and then you join."

"This is amazing. Thanks, again!" I said.

After we left the office, I squealed and jumped up and down. "Oh I get to spend my work hours with three amazing people! If only April were to join, too."

"This really is cool to have you with us. I'm gonna get JoJo from Cena and I can meet you guys in the lockeroom." Roman said and walked off.

"And I am going to see April." Seth said, winking at Jon and I, then walked the opposite way of Roman. So now it was just me and Jon.

I started to look at my new script, and Stephanie was right. It is really simple stuff.

Jon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek and then buried his head in my neck.

"You okay, Jon?"

I heard him say yes. He lifted his head and said, "Just tired." Then he let go of my waist and faced me. "You wanna go back to the lockeroom and take a nap?"

"On one condition." Jon said.


"You have to lay with me." He said in his raspy voice.


He grinned and took my hand in his. Once we reached the lockeroom, we layed down on the couch together with me wrapped in Jon's arms.


I shut the alarm off and turned around to see Jon still napping. I gently shook him awake.

"We have to get ready for the show."

He simply nodded his head.

Once we were in our wrestling gear, it was time for my match.

I wemt out as my theme music played.

"From Gaithersburg, Maryland....Kathryn!" Justin said into the mic. I got into the ring and waited for AJ to come out.

And there she came with her Diva's title and a mic. She skipped down the ramp, wiped her feet off the apron, and got into the ring.

A camera man handed me a mic.

"Kathryn, oh Kathryn. You really think that you are going to take this title from me?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and smiling.

I looked down at the small girl before me. "Well, AJ, let me fix your wording. I don't think that I will take that title from you." I said, looking up and smiling. I looked back down at her and gave her a glare. "I know I can."

The crowd ohhhhed at what I had said and I even heard people clapping.

AJ looked up at me with a glare as I continued. "You are nothing special. The only thing that is special is that title that you are holding. But come Sunday," I paused, licking my lips quickly. "You're not even going to have that."

Her eyes widened amd the crowd started chanting my name. AJ backed away from me as the bell rung. We locked up and I kicked her in her stomach, causing her to clutch it in pain. I picked her up by the hair and threw her across the mat. I skipped around the ring, mocking AJ. I picked her up and set her up for a DDT. I easily pinned her and I got myself the win.

The ref raised my hand in victory and I got a mic. I looked down at AJ and spoke, "See ya this Sunday."

The crowd cheered and I threw the mic at AJ.

The lights went off before I could leave the ring.

The Shield's music came on and so did the lights. And there they were walking down the stares and into the ring. Dean handed me another mic.

"Well Kathryn, that was just a great DDT, by the way. But on to more important matters." He said in his raspy voice. "We've been watching you for a long time and you haven't noticed us."

Then Seth spoke, "It's pretty obvious that you're a good wrestler. You can beat any of those Diva's back there without a problem."

Now it was Roman's turn to speak, "We've wanted something for a long time."

Then Dean, "And that something," he paused, smirking at me. "is you." He said, geting closer to me and staring me down.

"What makes you think I would ev-" I was interrupted by Dean kissing me, as the script said to do. I kissed back.

Once we pulled away, Dean looked at me with a smirk.

I raised the mic up to my lips.

"Yes, I'll join The Shield."

The crowd roared with excitement as The Shield's theme music blasted through the arena. We all joined fists as RAW went on commercial.

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