Chapter Three ~ Fix You

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Three text messages and two missed calls. All from Jon.

Why is he messaging me now? After I packed my bags, I took a small nap. But then it hit me. Jon wanted me to go somewhere with him. It was exactly four o'clock and he was coming to my hotel at five.

"Shit!" I yelled out. I hurried and got in the shower. I blow-dried my hair, curled it, and put it in a nice high bun. I hurried and put make-up on. Then, I put on one of my favorite dresses. A short black dress with long sleeves. The sleeves showed my skin and they had pretty designs on them. To finish my outfit, I put on my black high heels. I looked a myself in the mirror and smiled.

I decided to call Jon. One...two...three rings.


"Jon? Are we still going?" I asked.

"Didn't you read my messages?"

"No, I didn't."

"Well, we still are going. I'll be over there in about ten minutes."

"Okay, well, I'm ready. See you soon."

"See you soon, babe." he said, then hung up before I could answer.

About ten minutes later, I got a knock on the door. I already knew who it was. So when I opened the door, I said, "Hey Jon."

But there was just one problem. The person at my door wasn't Jon. It was Nick. (Dolph Ziggler)

"Uh, hey. Sorry. I wasn't expecting you."

"That's okay sweetheart." He said, then smirked.

"Um, Nick. Can you please leave?"

"No. Can I come in?"

"No. I have to go somewhere. Please go." I said.

Then I heard another voice.

"Yeah. Leave." It was Jon. Thank God. Nick turned around to look at him. Jon was taller than him. Nick looked at him and walked away. But not before saying, "I'll be back, my girl." And then he finally disappeared around the corner.

"Thank you." I said to Jon, as we started walking to his car.

"Not a problem. You have to tell me if he gives you anymore trouble." Jon said. So he was being really nice. I like it. We walked in silence to his car. He went to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

"You're being such a gentleman, Jon." I said, as I got in the car.

He smiled at me and closed the door, then got in on the driver's side.

"I forgot to tell you this before, but you really do look beautiful." he said. I looked down at the floor, blushing. I heard Jon let out a small chuckle.

We got to a beautiful restaurant, ordered our food, and ate. We talked a lot and got to know a lot about each other. I liked Jon. He was someone who I would love to be with for the rest of my life but it's always the same with every guy. They find a way to get to me. After they get my attention, they use me. I know that's what Jon will do.

Once we were driving back to the hotel, I felt Jon's hand grab mine, and gently squeezed. I loved it, but then I hated it. Instead of taking my hand away, I let him hold it and I looked out the window. 

Jon walked me back to my hotel. I let him in my hotel and we sat on the couch watching Ghost Adventures. Soon enough, Jon pulled me closer to him and I faced him. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. His arms were wrapped around my waist, and I noticed that I was kissing him, too. My hands were in his hair. This was the first kiss I've had with someone in over a year, and I love kissing Jon. Something about it just felt right. I suddenly pulled away and looked down. I brought my hands down to Jon's arms and pulled his hands away from my waist.

The kiss did feel right. I loved it. I realized that I was falling in love with Jon. But I couldn't.

"What's wrong?" he asked me. I didn't answer. "Kathryn, what's wrong? Tell me." 

A tear escaped my eye and I opened my mouth to speak. "I can't kiss you, Jon."

"Why? Are you dating Nick?" he asked me.

"No! I just...Look I can't explain why. But I can't kiss you. I'm sorry." I told him. Then, he got up and walked out, leaving the door open.

I walked into the hallway, with more tears streaming down my face. "Jon!" I yelled out. "Jon!"

It was useless. He hates me now. I walked back into my room and slammed the door. Immediately, lyrics from Coldplay's song called Fix You came up in my mind

When you try your best, but you don't succeed.

When you get what you want, but not what you need.

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep.

Stuck in reverse...

And the tears come streaming down your face.

When you lose something you can't replace.

When you love someone but it goes to waste. 

"When you love someone but it goes to waste." I said quietly, to myself. What did I do? I've been so selfish and I didn't even care about Jon's feelings! What if he really does love me? 

Jon may have feelings for me. He may actually love me. I should really give him a chance. His love won't go to waste. 

I hurried and grabbed my phone and messaged Jon. 

Jon? We need to talk. I'm sorry, just please talk to me. Come back to my hotel room. ~Kat 

I just hope he answers me.



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School started by the way, so it make take me just a tad bit longer to upload new chapters, so please be paitent!

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