Chapter Sixteen ~ Home

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It has been almost a year since that crazy day at Jon's house.

Almost three months ago, I had taken a break from WWE.

They had come up with a storyline about me having an injury, causing me to not be able to compete for a few months. The crowd would be upset about my absence, but they would be excited for when I come back.

If I come back...

I left for a while because of Jon. He had shown off to me. Every time I would walk past him and Nikki together, no matter how hard I tried to ignore him, he had always caught my attention and smirked at me.

It was his way of saying he won the battle between him and I.

And as it goes for April, Colby, and Roman, they try and visit me as much as they can.

Whenever they have time, they come to my house and stay until they have to leave. I appreciated that they came to visit me whenever they could.

In fact, April and Colby are here right now.

April and I were sitting in the grass in the big front yard of my house, casually talking. My dog, Charlie, was playing fetch with Colby.

My snake, Bullet, was moving around me in the grass as he always did when we were outside. He did it to protect me. When Bullet first met April and Colby, he did not want them around me and he tried to bite them, but luckly they dodged. Now, he has warmed up to them being around.

Funny thing for a snake.

It's one of the million things I love about him.

The day was great so far, and nothing had been ruining it.

Well that was how the day had been until a certain person showed up at my house.


Anger flowed through me as I saw him walk over to where I was sitting. Once Jon came closer, Bullet began to lift his head up, he backed up a bit, then striked at Jon's leg, but was dodged.

"Whoa, cool snake." He said with a smirk. I grabbed Bullet and let him sliver around my arms.

"What are you doing here? You caught Nikki cheating on you?" I asked him. How does he know where I live?

He ignored my question. "Didn't think you were tough enough to own a snake, babe."

"Don't call me that."

"Let me hold him."



"Because I don't want your disgusting hands touching him."

"Don't be like that, darling."

"Stop it!" April yelled, getting up. She faced Jon, trying to scare him, but it wasn't working. He simply chuckled at her fail to get him away from me.

At this point, Colby and Charlie were done playing fetch and were now standing beside me and April. Bullet, once again, tried to strike at Jon but ended up being dodged again.

Colby and April tried to get Jon away, but it didn't work, as Jon kept saying that he needed to talk to me in private. I eventually told April and Colby to take Charlie for a ride around the town and down to the nearby beach.

We went back into my house, and I put Bullet into his big snake aquarium.

I walked into my bedroom and sat at the end of my bed, and motioned for Jon to sit in the chair in the corner of my room.

"What, I can't sit beside you?"


He groaned and plopped down in the chair.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He pulled his chair closer, so he could be closer to me. "You. I need you."

I scoffed. "No, what you need is to stay away from me."

He took my hands and held them tightly so I couldn't pull away.

"Nah, I can't do that." He paused, looking at me and licking his lips. "God, you're so hot when you're angry."

"Let me go, asshole."

"No can do." He said with another smirk. Then he attacked my lips with his. His hands pressed against my back, so there was no way I could get away from his grip.

I started scratching him arms, but it wasn't working. He was actually enjoying it, as I heard him chuckle.

You can't get lost in his lips, you just can't, I thought.

But I did.

I tried to fight him, but the ending result was just me getting lost in his lips, and kissing him back.

I know what he was doing, he was trying to get me to fall for him again. Well it isn't going to work.

The relationship between us hadn't even lasted a year. He just had to go out and find someone else to mess around with while I was there, just trying to please him.

I had enough and pushed him off of me, backing away from him. He only got up and got onto the bed, trying to kiss me again, but I kept pushing him away. I got off the bed and hurried out into the living room, where I opened up Bullet's tank and I picked him up.

I went out on the front porch and just stood there looking at the scenery, while Bullet was wrapped around my arm, sleeping. Jon came out behind me, and started to massage my shoulders.

We stood there in silence until he spoke, "It's nice outside, don't you think?"

"Leave, Jon."

He stopped massaging me and went to stand in front of me.


"Because I don't want you here." I said, staring right at him.

"But, Kathryn-"

"No, I'll call the police. I don't want to see you anymore." I said, quietly. It hurt to say such a thing, but he hurt me. He cheated on me. He got what he wanted, a new girlfriend and my feelings to be hurt.

Jon sighed, lifted my head up for me to look at him, and gently kissed my lips.

I watched him walk off, get into his car and pulled away.

I sighed, and walked back into the house, shutting the door behind me.

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