Chapter Eight ~ Something In The Way

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"And your winner for this match, Kathryn!" Justin said into the mic. My music began to play as I raised my arms up in the air.

Then my music stopped.

This is where April is supposed to come out.

But that wasn't exactly true. Instead of April, Nick came out and his music played as he walked down the ramp. He went over and got a mic and got into the ring, smiling the whole time while I glared at him.

"Kathryn, good to see you. Nice win by the way!" He said. He slowly walked closer and spoke again, "Now lets get to more important matters. See, you've been pushing me away lately. I let it happen those couple of times but I'm not going to to that anymore."

He dropped the mic and his lips crashed on mine. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. Once he let go, he just stared at me, smiling like he was proud of himself for what he did.

Then I smacked him right across the face as hard as I could. His head jerked to the side and he stumbled back.

He slowly turned his head to look at me, holding his cheek. When he looked at me, he wasn't smiling anymore. He had a shocked expression plastered on his face.

I got out of the ring and walked up the ramp, looking behind me and smiling. I turned around to look at Nick and I blew him a kiss. Once I got to catering, I saw April with the boys. I walked over to them and sat down in the empty seat next to Jon.

"Holy shit, Kathryn! That was a nice slap you gave to Nick. He deserved it." Colby said.

"Thanks, big brother." I said, giving him a small smile. I looked over at Jon who was on his phone and sighed. "Hi, Jon." I said quietly. He didn't answer.

"Jon, Kathryn is talking to you." Joe said. Jon looked up from his phone to Joe and then at me.

"It's fine. I'm going to go. See you guys later." I said and stormed out of catering. April and the boys called out my name but I didn't look back. Instead, I walked outside of the building. I decided to walk back to the hotel. At night, it was pretty chilly but I didn't mind. I just wanted to go to sleep.

Beep Beep

Me and the guys are gonna go to the bar tonight. I'll see you once I get home even though you might be asleep. I'm sorry about earlier. I love you ~Jon

I didn't bother to reply back, and I just kept walking. Once I got to my hotel, I stripped into my lace underwear and my bra. I put a black long sleeve shirt on and laid on the couch watching Finding Carter.

Then I heard a knock on the door and I got up and opened it to see Nick.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened at Smackdown. I didn't know that you and Jon were actually together until Brie told me. So please accept these roses as an apology." He said, as he handed me red roses. "Thank you." I said. I looked to meet Nick's eyes as his eyes were looking at my body. Oh yeah, that's right. I only have my underwear on. No pants...

"Oh, sorry Nick." I said, lowering my head. Lovely, Kathryn, just lovely.

"No I'm sorry. I, uh, shouldn't have been looking."

I set the roses on the side-table near the couch and got closer to Nick. My arms wrapped around his neck and my lips pressed against his. At first he didn't kiss back, and I pulled away. Then his arms snaked around my waist and he kissed me.

I had a feeling that I was going to regret this.


"Nick you need to get out now. He could come here any second." I said, getting up with a blanket wrapped around my body.

"Alright, but we can't say anything to anyone about what happened." he said, putting his shirt on.

"Alright. But hurry!" I said. He hurried out the door and I was left in the hotel room alone. I hurried and got my clothes back on. I laid back on the couch with a blanket over me and continued to watch Finding Carter.

About twenty minutes later, I heard the door open, then close. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I heard footsteps coming over to me and a hand on my arm.

I knew it was Jon.

His lips kissed my head and he took his hand off my arm. Then I was being lifted off the couch. He was carrying me into the bedroom, I guessed.

And my prediction was right. I was put on the softness of the bed and after Jon going in the bathroom, then coming back out, he came in bed with me. His arm went around me and he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I love you, Kathryn Faith Stevens." I heard Jon say before I fell asleep.



Sorry that this is a short chapter, but I wanted it to end with Jon saying that and blah blah blah

Oh holy fudge nuggets did you read what Kathryn did!?!??!!?!?!?

Next chapter will be longer but I hope you enjoyed this one!<3



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