Chapter Five ~ It's my Time

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Here I go. My theme started to play and I walked out. Most of the crowd was cheering my name, and I couldn't help but smile. My match was agaisnt Nikki Bella.

I didn't care to talk to Nikki. She was pretty snobby, and hearing that she was dating John Cena was just sad news. He could do better.

Once I got into the ring, me and Nikki locked up. Her back was against the turnbuckle, so I gave her multiple kicks into the stomach.

Then AJ's music started playing? What the hell? We aren't even three minutes into our match!

She came down with a mic in her hands and got in the ring.

"You really think you're going to be able to take this away from me?" She said, holding up her Diva's title. "You will never take this! And let's all face it, the Converse boots look better on me!" she yelled, following with boos and cheers. Suddenly, Summer Rae's music hit. She walked down to the ring and got a mic.

"AJ, sweetie, she won't be able to take that title from you. But I will!" She said. And then she faced me. "And as for you, you should learn to stay away from relationships! All you do is ruin them!" She walked closer to me and we were face-to-face. I was a lot taller than her.

Then she tried to slap me, but I grabbed her arm and punched her in the face. She fell right to the floor, and I got out of the ring.

Walking up the ramp, I looked back at AJ and winked.

When I got backstage, I was met by Jon.

"Uh, what do you want?" I asked.

"I said that we were going to talk at work, right?"

"Um.." But before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand, leading me to The Shield's lockeroom. Once we got in there, he shut the door behind him. Colby was leaning on a wall while Joe was sitting in the chair, talking to Colby. Once Colby saw me, he walked over and hugged me.

"Ah, little Kat! That freaking punch was amazing. Danielle deserved it." He said, letting go. Then he patted my head, like you would do to a dog.

"Thanks, Colbs. I felt pretty good once I punched her." I said, winking at him. Joe walked over and gave me a high-five.

"That really was awesome. You are the best Diva to step in that ring. I mean that." Joe said.

"Thanks Joe! That's really nice."

We stood there in awkward silence for a couple seconds, until Jon spoke. "Hey guys? Could I talk to Kathryn for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure man." Joe said, as both men walked out. Jon turned and faced me, shoving his hands in his pockets. I walkde over to him and took his hands out of his pockets and held them, leading him to the couch to sit. Once we sat, I let go of his hands.

"So me and Danielle broke up." Jon said.

"So thats why you guys were fighting today. Was it you who broke up with her? Because I saw her walk off and cry." I said.

"Yeah I did. I saw some guy and her holding hands and he kissed her cheek and shit. So I told her it was over. Of course, she tried to lie and say that it never happened."

"I'm sorry, Jon." was all I could say.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I have to go and get ready for my match. Wait here?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure."

He took my hand and squeezed it, then let go. I looked at him and he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Once he left, I put my feet on the small couch they had. I was really tired and I felt like I couldn't stay up forever. Once my eyes closed, I instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a different place. A car. I lifted my head a bit to see my feet on someone's lap. April's lap. She had her head against the window, with headphones in her ears. When I looked to see who's lap my head was on, it was Jon's.

"Where are we?" I said. Jon looked at me and smiled. "You woke up just in time. We're at the hotel." he said quietly. I started to sit up, but Jon gently pushed me back down. "I'll carry you."

He must have known how tired I was, because I didn't even want to get up, though I knew I had to.

Once Jon and April got out of the car, he picked me up and carried me back to my room with my bags. April, of course, decided to stay with Colby for the night because she wanted someone to "cuddle" with.

"Jon?" I said.

"Yes?" he said, looking down at me.

"Is it okay if I go with you to your hotel room?"

"That's not a problem." he said, smiling.

Once we got in his hotel room, he took me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"No, Jon. Wait. You don't have to sleep on the couch." I said, sitting up. Jon looked at me and smiled. He got in the other side of the bed as I laid back down. I felt his hand snake around my waist and and him snuggle up to me. I put my hand on his hand and closed my eyes.

"So does that mean it's a yes?" I heard out of no where.

"What do you mean? You didn't even ask me anything." I said, laughing a little bit.

"Okay well let me ask you now. Would you like to be my girlfriend, Kathryn?"

"I would love to Jonath-I mean Jon." I said. Oops. I did not mean to say Jonathan. It was a good thing I stopped myself.

"First of all; Thank you." he said, kissing my cheek. "And second; You can call me Jonathan. Call me anything you want. As long as you're with me, I'm happy."

I blushed. It was a good thing he couldn't see in the dark, because my cheeks were lighting up like Rudolph's nose.

"I love you, Jon." I said.

"I love you, too, Kathryn."

We both fell asleep together. And to say, I haven't been this happy in a very long time.

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