Chapter Eighteen ~ Christmas Surprises

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It was late at night on December 24th, where the grass was covered in snow and lights were lit up everywhere. Tomorrow was Christmas, something I'm not looking forward to.

I hadn't talked to anyone from the WWE since I got the letter from Jon.

April was worried.

Colby was worried.

Joe was worried.

Nick was worried.

Jon was not worried.

Although Nick said Jon was worried about me, I knew it was a lie.

Everything Jon said to me was a lie.

I just don't get it. I treated him right. I loved him. I cared for him. I bought him things. I took care of him, yet, he treats me like that. He cheats on me with Nikki Bella.

I just never thought it would happen so early in our relationship. I mean, did he quickly get tired of me?

My thoughts were inturrupted by a knock on the door.

I got up off the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it up to see a very familiar face that haunted my dreams ever since he broke up with me.

Jonathan Moxley Good was standing on the porch of my house, staring at me.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked. I was shocked and confused. Why is Jon here?

"I came to surprise my favorite girl for Christmas." He said. He looked down at the floor and then back up at me. "Can I stay here for a few days?"

"What? N-no! No, you can't!"


"Because I don't want you here."

"But I came all this way for you, Kathryn."

"I don't care. Find a hotel."



"I want to spend Christmas waking up in the same house as you, doing things with you, eating with you. That's how it's supposed to be." He stated.

"Fine." I moved so he can go through with his things.

Closing the door behind me, I followed Jon into the living room. He set his things on the floor and looked around. Once he spotted my snake tank, he walked over to it. I followed.

"Can I hold him later?"

"I don't care."

Jon looked back at me and smirked. He then went over to where Charlie was laying. "Hey boy, you're big." He said, petting Charlie's back.

Jon walked over to the couch and sat down. "Guess this is where I'm sleeping tonight?"


"How about I go in your bed with you?"

"Hell no."

"Oh well, it was worth a try." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the closet where I kept extra blankets and pillows. I grabbed a pillow and two blankets for Jon.

"Here." I said once I got back into the living room. Jon stood up and walked over to me.

"Thank you, Kathryn." He softly said, taking the blankets and pillow out of my hands. He smiled down at me. Although I wanted to smile, I didn't. I gave him a cold stare. He put the stuff on the couch, then walked back over to where I was standing. His hands cupped my cheeks as he leaned in to kiss my forehead. "See you in the morning." He said. He walked back over to the couch and turned the lamp off.

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