Chapter Thirteen ~ Nightmares

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The boys, April, and I were sitting in catering.

Jon was texting someone on his phone, God knows who, and he wasn't talking with us. I had to say that I was getting suspicious of him.

"Jon, who are you texting?" I asked. He finally looked up from his phone and his icy blue eyes met mine.


"Well it must be someone. Someone important."

"I said I'm texting nobody."

"Jon, I'm not going to have this problem again. Just tell me who you're texting."

"I'm not texting anyone!" His voice raising.

"Well your fingers haven't stopped tapping and you haven't looked up once."


"So, there are people who want to talk to you." I said, gesturing to April, Colby, and Joe. Jon finally put his phone down but he didn't say a word.

Not even when him and I were currently driving to the hotel.

"Jon, say something." I said. No answer. His eyes were glued to the road. After several tries, I gave up. I took my seat belt off and climbed into the back seat where I laid down and closed my eyes.

I walked into the hotel after getting back from hanging out with April at the mall.

Jon wasn't in the small living area so I dropped my bags on the couch and walked to the shut bedroom door. I heard noises coming from the bedroom and, instantly, I knew what was going on. Please, I thought, please don't let me find a girl in there.

I slowly opened the door without making a sound and my nightmare became reality.

There he was with a blondé haired woman.

In bed.

My phone dropped from my hand with a big thump, which cause them to stop what they were doing and turn around. Once Jon saw me, he started to explain, but he kept stuttering.

"So this is what you do to me, Jon? Is this what you wanted to happen? You want me to be with you, yet, you do this! I hate you so much right now."

His facial expression changed from shocked to anger. "Don't forget the time you did this to me! I fucking took you back, too! I shouldn't have, though!" He was off of the blondé and was now standing up, but had jeans on. The woman just lay there, her expression still shocked to see me.

My eyes filled up with tears and Jon talked once again, "Yeah, see how I felt."

"Get out." He said quietly. I looked up at him as more tears fell out of my eyes. "Yeah, get out." He said, looking right at me.

So I slowly turned around and walked away, leaving my phone on the floor.

Leaving my bags on the couch.

Leaving the love of my life with that woman.

Someone was shaking me and calling my name. I forced my eyes open to see a concerned Jon looking down at me.

"Are you okay, Kathryn?" He asked. I looked around at my surroundings. I was laying in bed with Jon.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked, a little frightened for some reason.

"You were crying in your sleep. Are you okay?"

"I don'" I stuttered and more tears fell out of my eyes. Jon laid back dkwn, turning the lamp on the bedside table off. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, his head resting on mine.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He said quietly.

I finally fell back asleep in Jon's arms.


This chapter was very short, I know. Im sorry!

But still, I think its good. I hope you think so, too.


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