Chapter Fifteen ~ A Call For Help

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He watched me pack all my items that I brought to his house. The whole time, I had felt uncomfortable.

And now here I was, outside of his house, waiting for help to finally arrive.

My help was Colby Lopez.

First, I heard Colby honk his car horn, and when I looked up, he had pulled over to the side infront of Jon's house. I got up off the side walk and got in to the rental car.

When I looked to my right, I saw Jon standing in the doorway staring right at me. He gave me a small smile which made me confused. I turned back to face the road as Colby drove on.

I wondered what will happen between me and Jon.

Will we talk to each other?

Will we be friends?

Will we ever be together again?

There were a million questions swimming around in my head and I didn't know the answers to any of them.

I still remember his awful words. Let's see, a new girlfriend would be nice.

Thinking about him and that sentence made me want to cry, but I was trying my hardest to keep it all in. I couldn't let that kind of thing get to me.

I took out my phone and went on Instagram.

A bunch of old nonsense, and nothing special until I stumbled upon a picture of Nikki Bella and another person.

Jonathan Moxley Good.

There he was, an arm wrapped around her and two fingers making a "Peace" sign while Nikki lay her head on Jon, posing for the picture with a huge smile on her face.

The picture was posted two days ago.

And here I was for the first time looking at it.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry, I told myself.

I went to my profile and looked at the pictures of Jon and I that I had posted. There were so many memories, good ones.

And then I couldn't take it anymore. The tears fell out of my eyes. I threw my phone down on the floor of the car and began crying, causing Colby to pull over and check on me.

"It's gonna be okay, Kat. Please don't cry." He was trying to comfort me, but it wasn't working.

He picked up my phone. Seconds later, he put my phone down and turned the car around and drove.

"Fucking bitch." He growled. I looked up and realized that we were driving back to Jon's house.

"Colby, turn the car around!" I said.

"No, we're going to talk to him." He said. I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

And before I knew it, we were back at Jon's house.

Colby walked up to Jon's house, and banged on the door. I followed close behind him.

"Colby, I really don't want to do this." I pleaded.

"Well we are." He said sternly, telling me that I wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise.

The door opened and there stood Jon. He looked at Seth, then look at me. After a few moments of staring and awkward silence, Jon finally spoke, "What d'ya want?" He asked. "Thought you left."

"Well after we saw a certain picture of two people, a.k.a you and Big-Boobed-Bella, we decided to come back and tell you that what you did to Kathryn was wrong." Colby said.

"So? Let me just say this; Kathryn doesn't fill my needs like Nikki does." He said, looking and smiling at me.

I gasped, and my eyes filled with tears. I started to get angry with Jon,  and at this point, all I wanted to do was go back home, see my pet dog and snake, and forget that I ever became a wrestler.

The girl that I met at the park made it's way into my head, but I quickly shook it out.

Jon started going on about how he was getting sick of me.

I blocked out most of what he was saying, but the only time I really paid attention to what he was saying was when he said, "I will not be with a girl who has killed someone!"

The night I had killed my mom's boyfriend. Carl, who my mom had trusted. She loved him. I had started seeing him as a father. But when he murdered my mother, I snapped. I stabbed him with a knife multiple times, killing him.

When I had told my sister what happened, she had been sleeping over at her friend's house. We had been sent to live with our Aunt until we were old enough to leave and start adulthood.

I had told Dean the horrific story, and he had said he would never tell anyone about it.

But here he was, shouting out the time I had killed my mother's partner.

And that's when I began to speak.

"You don't know who I am or what I can do, Jon! You think you rule everyone and everything but you don't! You are nothing special! I should have never started talking to you! We quickly hit it off and I didn't even get the time to learn more about you! I didn't even think about trust! But now I know that you can't keep a secret! When you see your plastic surgery girlfriend in bed with someone else, don't come back to me! Don't even talk to me ever again!" I yelled. I picked up a lonely empty beer bottle off the ground and threw it at the wall, close to Jon's head. Pieces of shattered glass had cut Jon, causing him to bleed.

Colby had picked me up and struggled to carry me back to the car, as I was scratching and screaming at him to let me go.

I had to get my hands on Jon. I had to let him feel pain.

But I couldn't do it while Colby had me in the car, driving away from the house.

"Calm down, Kathryn. We'll get him soon." He said, determined.

I believed him.

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