Chapter Twenty One - Call Me When You're Sober

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He finally came wobbling in the hotel room early in the morning, around five AM.

"Where have you been? I had a nightmare and I was looking for you." I said.

"What babe? What was the nightmare about?" he asked. "Uhh, I have a huge headache."

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. Do you need to take anything?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Well come here and sit down. I want to know where you've been." I said, sitting on the couch and crossing my arms. Jon followed and said next to me. "I was out. I couldn't sleep." He said. I smelled alcohol coming from him. All he was going to say was that he was out?

I knew he was somewhere he shouldn't have been.

"Jon, I was worried sick about you, and all you're going to tell me is that you were out?! Where were you?!"

He looked in my eyes and said, "The bar."

I jumped up from the couch and stared down at him with cold eyes. "What the hell? Why did you go to the bar?"

He looked up at me. "Joe wanted to go. He couldn't sleep either."

"Jon, I texted and called you a million fucking times! You could have at least answered me saying something like, 'Oh, I'm okay. Just needed some fresh air.' Or would that be too much for you?!"

He got off the couch and faced me. "I am a grown man, Kathryn. I don't need some worried babysitter in my business." He said, his voice sounding angrier every second.


He held his cheek where I slapped him and stared at me with wide eyes. "I am your fucking girlfriend, Jon. I should be worried about you. For all I know, you could be cheating on me again!"

I shouldn't have said that. I pushed him to far.

He pushed me up against the wall, pinning my hands so I couldn't get away. He looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Don't you dare fucking touch me again. I am not a child, Kathryn. I can do whatever the hell I want and you won't stop me."

"Jon, you're hurting me. Please st-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, startling me. I looked at him, pleading to let me go. And it worked.

But he slapped me before he let me fall to the ground. I held my cheek in pain and tried my best to keep the tears away. What is wrong with him? Why is he acting like this? I kept asking myself those questions but I found no answers. Was he doing this just for fun?

I looked up at him, the tears escaping my eyes. He looked down at me and shook his head. His foot nudged my leg. I looked back down at the floor.

"Jon, I-" I couldn't finish. I was too stunned to even talk. When I looked back up into his eyes, they seemed to soften. He didn't look angry anymore. He looked worried.

"Oh God, Kathryn, what did I do?!" He panicked. He sat down on the floor and pulled me in his lap, gently rocking me back and forth, stroking my hair and kissing my head while repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry."

"Jon....wh-why did you go to th-the bar?"

He didn't answer, so I tried again.

"Why d-did you go-" he cut me off by lifting my head up and placing a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.  When he pulled away, he looked at me in the eyes and said, "I'm so sorry, Kathryn."

He wiped a tear from my eye and kissed my forehead. "I hope you knkw that I love you so much. I don't ever want to lose you." He said.

"Jon, you promised that you wouldn't hurt me anymore."

He squeezed me tighter, like he would never want to let me go. "It was a mistake. I didn't mean to do that to you." He said quietly.

We just sat there for a couple of minutes with me in Jon's arms. Jon let out a sigh and kissed my head again, saying sorry one more time.

"I love you." I said out of nowhere, looking up at him. He looked into my eyes. "What?" He asked. "I love you, Jon." I replied.

"Kathryn, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's going to be okay." I assured.

He let go of me and got up off the ground. Then offered a hand to help me up, which I gladly accepted. "I want to make it up to you." He said.

"No need. Let's just watch movies and shows for a while."

We sat on the bed together and watched Full Metal Jacket, ate food, played games together, and just randomly talked until we had to pack up our stuff and head to the arena.

Once I got changed in the lockeroom, I met April/AJ at catering.

"So you texted me saying that there was something you wanted to talk about?" AJ said.

"Yeaahh...well can we forget that I ever texted that?"

AJ tilted her head and gave me a confused look, but then just shrugged and sipped at her apple juice.

"Ew, orange juice is so much better, April." I said, sipping at my orange juice.

"No, apple juice is better than orange juice. Orange juice tastes weird."

"Whatever you say. But I know that ora-" I was looking at April who wasn't paying attention. She was looking at something behind me, so I turned my head to see Dolph/Nick looking down at me with a smirk on his face. I instantly got up and out of my seat. "What do you want?" I asked. April stood behind me.

"Just wanted to see you, Mrs. Beautiful." He said, putting a hand on my arm, which I shrugged off.

"Okay, no touchy today. Someone get you in a bad mood?" He asked.


"Don't lie. I know what he does to you, Kathryn. And I'm gonna do something about it one day." And with that, he walked away.

I turned around to face April who stared up at me. "What did he mean by, 'I know what he does to you'?" She asked. I thought about telling her what happened earlier today. Should I tell her?

No, I don't think I should. "It was nothing. I don't even know what he's talking about!"

April started getting angry. "I swear, if Jon did something to you, I'm gonna beat the living sh-" she got inturrupted by a worker for the WWE.

"Time for you guys to head out there! So hurry up!" He said, walking away.

April and I looked at each other and said at the same time, "Race you there!"

Then we bolted into different directions, running to see who could get to the gorilla first.

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