Chapter Two ~ From Good to Bad

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"Wake up, sleepy-head." I heard someone say to me.

"Mmm, five more minutes." I said, as I buried my face into the pillow. I heard a few chuckles which made me wonder if there were other people in my room or if I was just hearing things. Then, another pillow hit my head. "April Jeanette Mendez!" I said as I got up, laughing a little bit. I still sat on the bed. It wasn't just AJ in the room with me. Jon, Colby, and Joe were in the room. I rolled my eyes. "What are you guys doing in my room?"

"Good morning to you, too, Kat." Colby said. 

"They were knocking on the door. I let them in. We're going to the gym. Do you want to come?" she asked me.

"Yeah, fine. Just let me get ready, okay? I'll see you guys down there." I really didn't feel like going, but I already said I was. It was a good thing this hotel had a gym on the first floor.

"Okay, buddy. Love you!" AJ said, hugging me. I hugged her back. Once they all left, I hurried and texted Colby a message that was easy to understand.

Flirt with April. ~Kat

I picked out some clothes and got a text back.

What? Why? ~Colby

Um, because she likes you a lot. Just don't tell her I said anything, okay? ~Kat

Wait, she does? I actually kind of like her too. Dont tell her I said anything, and I wont tell her you said anything. ~Colby.

OMG YES!!! Okay, anyways, it's a deal. I won't say anything. ~Kat

Good, now get your ass down here. ;P ~Colby.

I'll be there soon! ~Kat 

I hurried and put on some black leggings and a Daniel Bryan "Just Say Yes!" shirt on with my Adidas shoes.

I finally got to the gym and saw April, Jon, Joe, and Colby sitting down together and talking. I walked over to them.


"You're here!" April practically yelled as she got up and hugged me.

"Um, I told you I was coming."

"I know, but it felt like forever! Maybe it was just because I was bored." she said. I looked at Colby and raised an eye-brow. He mouthed "I will."

"After the gym, we're going to eat somewhere." Roman said. 

"Okay." I said. And we all started working out for a little bit. Once we were done, we got into our hotels, showered, and got ready. I put on light blue skinny jeans and a striped sweater. I had it on where my shoulder was showing. I put on light red flip-flops, grabbed my bag, and left with April to find the three idiots standing there in the lobby. Jon was just wearing some dark jeans and a black hoodie. His hands were stuffed in his pockets. Once he saw me, he couldn't take his eyes off me. 

"Hello, again, guys!" April said. Suddenly, Colby put his arm around her. She blushed.

"Hello, again, April." he said. I quickly looked at Jon who was on his phone. God, he was so handsome. He was also rude. Even if I did like him, I wouldn't ever be his girlfriend or anything. I've been hurt so much in the past by men. I've been used and broken. But with Jon, I just wanted to open up again and be with him. I hate him, but then I like him. 

We all got into the car with Colby driving, Joe in the passenger seat, me, April, and Jon in the back. Of course, I was in the middle. Me and April were watching funny vines on her phone. I felt Jon's hand entwine with mine. I turned over to look at him. He was looking out the window. I put my other hand on top of his and gently pulled my hand away. It hurt to do that, but I couldn't let him get to me. I went back to watching the vines, but I didn't laugh. I didn't show any emotion for the rest of the ride. 

We went inside and sat at a circular booth. I decided to sit next to Jon and across from April, who was sitting next to Colby. Joe had sat right in the middle. Jon's facial expression had changed. He had a small frown on, and I couldn't help but feel bad. I was falling in love with him more every second, even though I shouldn't be. I did another thing that I shouldn't have done, which was holding his hand under the table. We looked at each other, and I gave him a small smile, and looked back down at my menu. 

After the restaurant, we all went back to our hotels. 

"I can walk you back to your hotel, since April is going with Colby." Jon said.

"My hotel is just a few doors down. I'll be fine." I told him.

"Just let me walk you to-"

"No." I interrupted. "I said I'll be fine, Jon. I'm not a child."

"Well fuck it. I was trying trying to be a nice person." He said, and walked off.

"Jon!" I called out his name, but he ignored me. I walked into my hotel and started to pack my bags for tomorrow's flight to our next show. For the rest of the day, I was going to be good and happy.

And Jon wasn't going to ruin that for me.

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