Chapter Four ~ Didn't See That Coming

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He's been ignoring me for over a month. He ignores all my text messages and phone calls and when I try to talk to him at work, he just walks away.

I can't take it anymore. I miss his smile. I miss his eyes. I miss his hair and his kiss.

Fuck it, I miss everything about Jon. April tries to help me out and she doesn't like to have Colby around me because she knows I'll be upset. But I have a plan. I told April that she can bring Colby over our hotel. I needed to talk to him. He could help me, right?

I showered and got dressed into a black and gray short dress. I straightened my long black hair and put my black high heels on. Colby can tell me where I can find Jon. Maybe he can talk to Jon for me. Me and April were sitting on the couch when Colby came in.

"Hey babe." He said. April got up and pecked him on the lips. He looked over at me and hugged me. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?" He said as he let go. April went into the small little kitchen to make food.

"I'm fine, but I did want to ask you a question." I told him.

"Alright, go ahead."

"I need to know Jon's room number. I should have asked you before but I was too scared and upset. I just really need to talk to him."

"You like him, don't you, sweetie?" He said and he gave me a smile.

"No! I just-"

"Trust me, you're fine." He said, interrupting me. "Look, I'd do anything for someone whos like a little sister to me." He said and pulled me into another hug. I hugged him back, and he kissed my head. April came out with some popcorn.

"So that's why you've been down lately. You like Jon!" She said. "I was wondering what was going on with you, Kat. I was getting worried." She said, getting quieter. Colby let go and stood up, putting his arm around April. "Now she's finally going to open up again." He said, smiling at me. Then he added, "His room number is 186. He's on the third floor." 

I smiled brightly. "Thank you so much, Colby." 

We all stood there in silence for a couple of seconds until April broke the short silence. "Go. I can't wait to see you happy and cheerful again." She said, hugging me tightly. I knew this hug. This hug is April's I-want-you-to-be-safe-but-have-fun hug. "I will." I whispered to her, as she finally let go.

"See you soon, Big Brother." I said as I hugged Colby. I saw April smile at me. I walked out the door, instantly wanting to go back in but I've been needing to talk to Jon about what happened the night he took me back to the hotel. 

Once I reached his door, I wanted to run back. But I need this, so I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it was opened by Jon. He was shirtless but he had some sweatpants on. 

"Oh. You." He said, getting ready to close the door. "Jon." I said, putting my arm in the doorway. "We need to talk."

"About?" He asked, slightly raising his eye brows.

"About stuff." I said quietly, looking down at the floor. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into the room. Jon shut the door behind him. he went over and sat on the couch, patting on the empty space next to him. I sat there and looked down at the floor.

"Okay so let's talk." He told me. "Do you want me to kiss you again and then have you pull away and say that you can't kiss me? Because if you want that to happen, then it isn't." he told me. I looked at him. God, everything about him. It was all just too perfect. I fall in love with him more and more. But what am I supposed to say to him? I couldn't even think of the right words, so instead of using words...

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