Chapter One ~ Welcome to the WWE

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It's okay. You got this.

I was getting ready to walk into the building where WWE was tonight. It was pretty chilly outside and my long black hair was blowing in my face, so I hurried inside. I was looking for Paul and Stephanie's office to see if I was competing tonight. I couldn't find their office so I asked the person nearest to me which happened to be...

Dean Ambrose.

"Excuse me," I said as I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and looked at me. "What do you want?"

Okay, he seemed really mean. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I can't find Paul and Stephanie's office. Could you help me?"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me to where I needed to go. Once we got there, he let me go. 

"Thank you." I said, looking up at him. He was pretty cute...

He smirked and walked away. I rolled my eyes, knocking on the door. Paul answered. "Ah, well look who it is! Our newest Diva! Come in." he said with a smile. Stephanie saw me and gave me a big hug. "We are so excited to have you here! We even have you in a match for tonight." she said, as she let me go.

"Really? Against who?" I asked.

Then, Paul said, "While AJ Lee is having her match against Eva Marie, we are going to have you interrupt her match. You are going to walk down to the ring and stand on the apron. AJ will get mad at you for interrupting the match and she will want to have a match right there against you."

"Sounds great! I can't wait!"

"Alright, now do you need help getting to the girl's locker room?"

"Yes, please."

"I'll help you." Stephanie said with a smile.

We got to the locker room and I was introuduced to all the Diva's. Everyone seemed pretty nice but Eva Marie was the one who acted like a stuck-up bitch.

"Whoa, your eyes are so pretty! They look like an ice blue!" AJ Lee said. I laughed a little bit and said, "Thanks." 

"And you are my roommate at the hotel, right?" she asked. 

"Yes, I am. Mind showing me the way once the show is over?" 

"Sure! It's so awesome to have you here, Kathryn!" she said, and walked away.

I got into my ring attire (which is on the right in the Media) and walked out of the women's locker room. I walked around because I was so bored and I did not want to be in the same room as Eva. I was looking down at the ground while I was walking which was pretty stupid because I bumped into a black vest. 

"Whoa, I'm so sorry." I looked up to see three men. The Shield. The person I bumped into was Roman Reigns. To the left of him was Seth Rollins and to the right was Dean Ambrose. They all smirked at me.

"You're that new Diva, aren't you?" Seth asked.


"Whats your name?" Roman asked.

"Kathryn." I said.

"You competing tonight?" Roman asked.

"Yes. Look, can you guys stop asking me questions?" 

"We can do whatever we want and you aren't going to stop us." Dean said.

"Yeah, well this girl will hurt you." and I walked away. I didn't need a few idiots bothering me tonight. I sat on a table waiting for my match. 

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