Public Relations

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Camila Cabello's POV

After meeting Lauren, I proceeded my way to my new office. It wasn't quite as big as Lauren's, nor did it have the window her's had, but it was decent.

I didn't know how long this project would take or much about working in this station. I only began working here a couple of months ago. My husband made most of the money, so I could focus on any profession I wanted to, and income didn't matter.

I had always been interested in police and how they work. After my father was arrested, I took a different route. Instead of disliking cops, I took an interest in their process. That led me here my first big case. I was excited and prepared for just about anything as long as I could move up in this job.

Vero asked me if I wanted to go out with her and Lauren later. Of course, I said yes. I wanted to get to know Lauren better. She was very captivating. I know I had a husband, but that hasn't stopped me before. It's not like I even want to be with him. My father set us up before he left for jail. I had to be daddy's little girl and do what he wanted no matter how much I didn't want to.

Cheating became a pastime for me. My husband was always busy, so it was easy to get it past him.

I found over the years that I preferred women over men, and over time being with men became forced. It was never good. Men only cared about themselves. With women, it was pleasant, and they made sure you felt good. I could tell that Lauren was good at that too.

I made a subconscious decision to play a little game with Lauren. I'd make her chase me, but I wouldn't play too hard to get. I mean, who was I kidding? I wanted it just as much as her.

By the time lunch came around, I was starving, so I decided to text my friend Dinah.

Me: Hey girl, how does lunch sound?

DJ: You must've read my mind. Where do you want to meet?

Me: How about the new Italian place. I'll pay.

DJ: Say less, I'll be there in 15.

Dinah was always down to meet up. She'd been there for me for as long as I could remember. She knew I didn't like my husband. She didn't like him either. She was always saying sly things around him and giving him dirty looks. I never interjected, though. I just laughed at how much he managed to annoy her.

I saw Vero talking excitedly to Lauren as I left to meet Dinah. I was almost sure it was about me. I shouldn't get myself too excited about her. I could have taken all her looks the wrong way. But it was impossible to mistake the way her eyes ate every inch of my body.

I made sure to tell Dinah about Lauren, and she was happy to hear about my latest conquest. Anything to separate me and Miguelito.

I invited Dinah to go out with Vero, Lauren, and me later today. Dinah knew how to loosen me up, so hopefully, she could be the reason I got to know Lauren more intimately.

Lauren and I began discussing how we would go about this all afternoon. Figuring out where to start was the hardest, mainly because we were both distracted by each other's gaze.

Once the clock hit 8:00, we decided it was time to wrap things up and head out, mainly because Vero kept popping her head in to get us to hurry.

I let them know that I invited my best friend and they were more than happy, they asked Laurens secretary, Normani, to come with us too.

I asked if we could stop at my house before going so, I could change. They agreed, and we were on our way.

Lauren Jauregui POV

I Like You More Than I PlannedWhere stories live. Discover now