
382 17 11

Camila POV

I spent all last night taking care of Lauren. As soon as she wakes up, I'm getting in her case, but for now, I have to pack.

We're leaving in a couple of hours, and she's still asleep yet again, leaving me to take care of everything.

Usually, she's so sweet, but this week she's been a handful but also very sweet at times. UGHH, why is it so difficult?


The trip home was calm as usual she apologized when she woke up and made me breakfast.

We have one more night together before Luis gets back. I'm almost excited because it will give me a chance to actually sleep.

I guess Lauren felt extra bad because she took me on a fancy dinner date to make it up to me.
We went to Ruth Chris, which is a pretty expensive place and known for its steaks.

After eating, we drove home, talking, neither of us drunk. We diced to go to her place and chill for the rest of the night.

We got back, and she went into the closet to change while I just changed into the lingerie set I had on underneath my clothes, I opted to put a black silk robe over top to match her sheets.

Everything in her house was either black, red, or maybe a little metallic silver. It was the opposite of my place, but it was nice.

She came out wearing her underwear and a t-shirt. We unanimously decided to watch The Blaire Witch Project because she loves scary movies, and I got to pick last time.

I didn't care too much because a few minutes in and we were already kissing. At first, it was slow and passionate, but when she pulled me into her lap, it began to become heated.

My breathing began to get heavier when I felt her tongue prod against my lip, asking for entrance. I gave in.

Our tongues were in a battle for dominance, but for some reason, I seemed to have won.

I leaned back just enough to pull the shirt over her head and throw it to the ground. I noticed she opted for no bra underneath.

I palmed her breasts and began to kiss her again, slowly grinding my hips into hers. I began to want more friction.

I pulled back again so I could see her face as I was taking off my robe. She looked at me hungrily, but I decided that tonight was my chance to take the lead.

I went back in but diverted to her neck, and I kissed and sucked her breathing began to quicken, and the harder I but, the more she jolted her hips into mine.

She tried to slip her hand in my panties, but I quickly grabbed her wrist, "but-" she said. "Shhh, let me do this," I whispered in her ear, cutting her off.

With that, she released control and sat back, resting her hands on my hips.

I moved my hand down from her breast to her abdomen and traced crickets there, almost teasing her.

She squirmed at my touch and began to beg for me to give her more.

Instead, I mouthed one of her boobs and began to lick and bite at her nipple slowly. They were already sensitive, so this made her writhe under my touch even more.

I moved my one hand from her abdomen down lower and reined her through her panties. She had soaked through them, and I could feel it.

"I'm so wet for you," she said.

I didn't say anything back because my mouth was too busy on her nipple.

"Stop teasing and do something about it," she gritted out.

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