You'll Understand Soon-Pt.2

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Camila POV

Knocking Lauren out like that kind of sucks, but things have to be this way for this to work. If I just come out and tell her what I have to say, she might run away, and I can't have that.

After I got Luis securely tied up in the basement, I carefully carried Lauren down there as well, different from how I treated Luis's body.

With Luis, I practically threw him around, but I can't do that to Lauren.

Once she was tied up, I sat back and gave them a chance to wake up as I called my assistant, letting her know that everything is in place and that she should commence with the final step.

I bandaged Luis's shoulder up as I waited. I can't have him dying on me just yet. He needs to stick around so I can let him know how outsmarted he actually is. I cant wait to see the look on their faces as I let them know everything—especially poor Lauren.

As they slowly began to stir, I sat back and prepared myself for the bomb I was about to drop on them.

Narrator POV

There they were, Camila in front of a tied-up Lauren and Luis. The basement they were in was set almost the same as Laurens except considerably smaller, and it didn't have all the contraptions hers did.

There was a table at the other side of the room, but besides the chairs, that was about it.

Camila looked beautiful as always, wearing a black dress with a slit on both legs, only having enough fabric to cover what was in between finished off with black heels higher than Luis's ego. She did have to admit Lauren looked hot, tied up, and a little beat up in the face, but that's not something to get distracted over right now.

As she started to get distracted by her thoughts, Luis began to wake up, "What the fuck?" He muttered once he realized that he was tied up. Once he gained a little more knowledge of what was going on, he began to pull at the ropes. His hand moved no farther than half an inch.

"The fuck is this?" He said, looking at Camila.

"Wait for Lauren to join us. She'll want to hear what I have to say, too," she replied in a dismissive tone.

"Untie me bitch," he spit out at her right before actually spitting at her feet, barely missing her shoes. She glared at him with what could only be described as pure anger and disgust. Finally, everything was bubbling to the surface, and she didn't know how long she'll be able to hold back.

"I don't think you're in any place to disrespect me right now, Luis. In fact, I'm doing you a favor."

She walked toward Luis and grabbed his chin roughly. "I think it's time you start respecting me. I've put up with your shit for far too long." She said in his face before throwing his chin out of her hand.

He stared at the ground realizing she was right, and he wasn't in any control at the moment. "Stop being a pussy and look at me. Where was that attitude you had just a couple of seconds ago." She asked him.

Slowly he raised his head to look at her, he as well had anger in his eyes, but she caught a look in his eyes that indicated he was, in fact, scared just a little bit. "Never mind, don't fucking look at me," she spat right before raising her hand and punching him right across the face.

He absorbed the hit and didn't say anything again, just spitting out the accumulated blood in his mouth.

They only waited for a bit longer until Lauren started to wake up.

She tried to move her hand but had the same results as Luis. Finally, she began to speak up once she realized what was happening and where she was.

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