You'll Understand Soon- Pt.1

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Laurens POV

I remember the day I met Camila like its yesterday. Every detail about that day is just so precise it feels like watching a movie in my head.

I woke up on a morning just like this but instead, my bed didn't have a beautiful girl in it. At the time, I was perfectly fine living life like that. Now, I wouldn't trade what I have for the world.

Who would've thought Camila Cabello would be the one to tame the Lauren Jauregui?

Just as I was about to get up, I heard Camila start to wake up, "What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" I asked, considering she wasn't facing me.

"I could hear how hard you were thinking from here," she said right before she let out a hearty belly laugh.

"Well, for your information, meanie, I was thinking about you," I said, reaching over to tickle her.

"Stop...I'm...gonna pee," she said between laughs.

Finally, I stopped, and she moved to rest her head on my chest as I played with her hair.

"What about me?" She asked as I stared into her beautiful eyes.

"Huh?" I asked, barely registering she had said anything.

"What about me were you thinking about?" She asked, smiling and tilting her head.

"Oh, just that I could get used to this," I replied.

"I could too," she said, moving closer to me. I moved my head forward, meeting her in the middle as we gently kissed. Neither of us cared about morning breath or how we looked because everything was perfect when it was just us.

"I should probably go get ready for work," she said, pulling away.

"I'll join you," I replied, winking and following her into the bathroom.

-A couple of hours later

"Bye, baby," I said, kissing her forehead as I walked out of the house and to my Audi.

I pulled out of the driveway and called one of my guys, letting him know that I'm back and I'm heading over to check on things.

Once I hung up, I turned the Bluetooth system in my car on. Time to set the mood for the rest of the day. Perfect song for today: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z.

One of the best feelings in the world is feeling like you are on top of the world. I feel like I've even gone past that. I feel like I own the fucking world. Not only is life good right now, but I have a beautiful girl by my side, and for the most part, Luis seems to have given up.

It feels like no one can touch me.

I parked outside of my warehouse and pulled my mask on as I walked in. I never realized how much power I had. Just by walking in, everybody stops and looks my way. All of them respect me.

I walked into my office and began reviewing everything I've missed while I've been gone.

"Seems that everything has run smoothly and not a peep from Luis, so looks good," I told my assistant.

He didn't say anything, just nodded his head.

"Great, you're excused," I told him as I leaned back in my chair.

I have planned that tonight I'm going to go home and have dinner with Camila before I head over to the Dez Syndicate warehouse. So not only am I going to get my job back, but I'm knocking out one of my biggest competitors. It's like stealing candy from a baby, too easy.

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