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Lauren Jauregui POV

The drunker I got, the madder I got at the fact that she was here with him. I mean, I know it was her husband, but at least she could spend some time away from him and with me.

I was supposed to be working, but it slipped my mind after the first drink.

Until I reached into my pocket and felt all the small baggies in there.

The perfect way to forget about her, make money.


I sat in the VIP section that overlooked the dance floor from the second story. My guys were down there finding buyers. Once someone agreed to buy, they sent them up to me, and I took all the money and distributed the product.

There were many other people with me, but they were all trustworthy and close to me. All they did was hold the extra product and some were there for protection. Not like I needed them I can take care of myself.

I called for another bottle of tequila as a brunette woman walked in. She was wearing a tight dress, and I could see every curve perfectly.

"Ms.Morgado?" She asked. I never used my real name, so I assumed she was here to buy.

"Depends who's asking." I said smugly, "If your buying consult one of my guys behind me."

"No, the owner of the club has asked you to go to the private room. He wants you to meet some friends of his, and you'll also get a nice show as well." She said.

"What do you mean by show?" I asked, intrigued and now listening intently.

"He has arranged for a couple of dancers to do a little show for the small group he has arranged."

"I see. Will I be able to see you?" I had to flirt somewhat with her, and the alcohol was taking effect on me.

"Not for the show, but maybe we can leave together." She said seductively.

"What's your name so I can look for you later?"  I stood up and walked closer to her.

"It's Lucy." She breathed out as I grabbed on to her waist.

I spun her around and pulled her ass to me, placing my lips on her neck, "You have a beautiful name, Lucy." I whispered into her ear.

She turned around and roughly attacked my lips with hers. I chuckled as she did so and slowly pushed her away.

"That's so that you know what's awaiting you later, Ms.Morgado." She said as she winked and bit her lip.

"I can't wait," was all I said before she turned around and swayed her hips as she walked away.

Tonight was going to be a long exciting night.


After a couple more shots, I decided it was best to make my way to the private room.

The music was continuously fading the longer I walked down the hallway until I got to the very last door.

I could hear some talking and soft music from outside the door. I double-checked that I had my gun on me. You could never be too careful.

With that, I opened the door, and the music instantly got louder. There weren't many people in there, but one that caught my attention for sure was Camila. She was standing with her husband on the other side of the room. There were only maybe ten guys at most in between us, but over the music, she couldn't have heard someone entered.

I walked over to Mr.Rob. He owned the club. This man was like a father to me.

He's always helped me get clients and easy jobs through the club, and I can never thank him enough.

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