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A/N: Hey, there are some things to pay attention to, so just keep that in mind. Anyways enjoy, and I'm putting a warning now this is a mature chapter.

Lauren POV

It was finally Friday. The week went by slower than I anticipated it would. Camila had to stand by her husband at more events, and I just had to work all week. I barely even had time to text Camila.

I would make that up to her this week. Luis left for New York earlier today, I told her I would go over after work, but I decided to leave work a couple of hours early to make a detour before going over her place.

I took next week off to spend as much time as I could with her.

To me, the best way to start the weekend is a nice fast drive down the tollway in my fastest car to the warehouse. I know doing some work sounds boring but not this, this is fun.

My fastest and frankly favorite car is a black with red trim SSC Tuatara, I wouldn't consider myself a car enthusiast, but I love them.

Honestly, I love anything that gives me an adrenaline rush, and that could take my life at any second

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Honestly, I love anything that gives me an adrenaline rush, and that could take my life at any second.

One of my drivers brought the car to the station so I could drive straight to the place from there. I took a shot of tequila as I was walking out. One-shot can't hurt anybody.

As soon as I got in the car, I turned on my favorite playlist. I called it Vendetta because, at the time, I had no other name for it. Now it kind of makes sense why I named it that.

The first song that came on was Kill Me by The Pretty Reckless. Perfect for what was about to transpire.

I sped down the tollway, weaving through cars left and right. I've gotten so experienced at that. At this point, I'm not even concerned about hitting someone else because it simply won't happen.

About 5 or 6 songs into the playlist, I pulled off down a seemingly deserted road. $Ting by The Neighbourhood had just come on when I pulled into the dirt space that was the parking lot right outside a gigantic metal warehouse.

Shutting off the car, I pulled my mask on and walked inside.

As soon as I opened the door, the strong smell of weed hit me. I love it. That's what money and power smells like.

Once this mask is on, nothing else matters. It's always been that way, and it stays that way.

I sat at my desk just taking it all in, the pallets and pallets of coke and watching the surveillance system over the greenhouse. This was everything I've ever wanted.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey. Once I finished it, I looked into my drawer where I kept my blunts and whatnot. I noticed someone had put a bag of coke in there. Probably, Vero, she was always doing that stuff.

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