Moving Fast

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A/N: From here on out, the story goes into drugs and alcohol and other mature topics. I'll put  TW before anything, but this is kind of the broad warning. So stop reading here if that's not for you. :) Thank you for reading.

Lauren Jauregui POV

Shit, I was never late. I didn't want to start now, but the damn Latina distracted me.

I quickly scrambled around the room, trying to find my clothes. Once I had my pants and bra on, I took one last look at Camila. Wishing I could stay there with her in my arms, but I had a job, and this didn't seem like it was the first time I would spend a night with her.

With my shoes and shirt in hand, I ran out of the house to my car.

Luckily it was late enough that the streets were empty enough to speed the whole way there.

We were supposed to meet up at one of my warehouses. It was only 30 minutes outside of the city.

I was always masked when I worked with Los Jaguares. I even had a secret name; I couldn't have anyone know my true identity. That posed a threat to my commissioner job and the success of my cartel.

It felt so good to say MY cartel, I ran this, and I would make it bigger than imaginable.

Seeing the bundles and bundles of coke and heroin was already putting a smile on my face, but the best part for me was the greenhouse. We grew a lot of weed, and that was one of the products that I used often.

I sat at my desk watching over the shipment that was coming in that night. Checking my phone, I realized it was 5:00 am. "Great, another night of no sleep," but I didn't mind. This was all money, and I loved money.

I threw my head back, taking a shot of tequila, and lit my blunt. This was one of the moments where I smiled at my life.

Camila's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, and after a second of thinking, I remembered the night before. I rolled over expecting to see Lauren but instead, I was greeted with a space in my bed. I should've known that I would only be a one-time thing.

I felt better when I noticed a text from her.

Laur: I had fun last night. ;)

Me: Me too! Sad I woke up alone this morning tho.

Laur: That's my bad I had to handle some business early this morning.

I guess working as a commissioner was more demanding than I thought.

Me: Oh, ok. Well, thank you again for last night.

Laur: It was my pleasure. It is only Saturday maybe I can show you a good time again tonight.

Me: Well, that sounds fun. Text me in advance so I can get ready for you.

Me: Will do.

I was already excited, especially because she could possibly spend the night at my place or I could stay at hers. My husband wouldn't be home for the next week.

He often went to Mexico and other states throughout the country for what he called business. I didn't believe it, but I guess it was fine.

My husband owned Cabello inc. One of the largest businesses in the u.s. He was a busy man, and I admired him for the effort he put into his work, but that doesn't mean I like him; I just give credit where credit is due.

I know he's out cheating on me and doing god knows what, but I've never cared as I do the same right back.

Later that day, as I was sitting in my living room, I got a call. I smiled when I saw Lauren's name pop up on the screen.

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