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Narrator POV

-Gangsta by Kehlani

"Just on time," Camila said, turning around to face the person who had just walked in.

The sexual tension was high between the two because they were finally free to be together without a care or worry in the world.

It was dark in the office besides whatever dim illumination the city and the moon provided.

Camila stood up and walked around to the front of the desk, slowly dragging two fingers around the edge of the luxury mahogany wood.

Once she had settled herself at the front of the desk, the two girls stared at each other for a split second, just admiring each other, both waiting for the other to make a move first. Lauren was the one to initiate things.

She moved in close to her rather quickly, grabbing her by the hair at the back of her head kissing her roughly. "Did you enjoy being all high and mighty in there?" Lauren asked, "Did you enjoy convincing everyone that you could kill me?"

Camila knew that her chance to dominate was over by the look Lauren had in her eyes. However, she still chose to challenge her for a bit longer, "sure did," she said, smirking.

Lauren tightened her grip when Camila said this. The younger one gasped at the pain that somehow felt so good.

"Oh yeah? Keep talking and see what happens," Lauren said as she pulled Camila's head back, giving her full access to her neck.

"What if I like what will happen?" Camila challenged, enjoying how rough Lauren was being with her.

"I don't believe you will," Lauren said right before attacking her neck.

The way Lauren bit at her neck then immediately replaced pain with pleasure as her lips took the spot of her teeth, sucking on the site to soothe it turned Camila on. Her breath began to become deeper as she felt a rush of wetness and a heartbeat begin to beat in between her legs.

As Lauren kept her mouth busy on the girl's neck, she used one of her hands to pull at Camila's hair and the other to squeeze at her perfect ass causing her to let out a sharp gasp and her legs to weaken.

Lauren finally detached her mouth from the girl's neck, admiring the marks she left. She enjoyed knowing that anybody who saw this would realize she belongs to someone and that someone is her.

"As much as I want to fuck you already, I want to enjoy this," Lauren said, moving her hands to hold the girl's waist while looking deep into those brown orbs.

In one swift motion, Lauren picked up Camila and moved her to the leather couch conveniently placed in the office.

Camila took this time to notice that while she was only in a black lace bra and panties, Lauren was still fully clothed.

As she admired her view, Camila noticed something in the girl's pants. "Are you wearing the strap?" She asked rather bluntly.

"Of course, I couldn't come unprepared," Lauren replied, winking at her.

Lauren then took off her shirt as she walked over to the bottle of whiskey Camila had poured herself a glass from. She took a big swig relishing in the feeling as it burnt going down.

-I Feel Like I'm Drowning by Two Feet

"Do you want a taste?" Lauren asked the girl, who was practically drooling over her view. Camila couldn't stop staring at how powerful Lauren looked even just by standing there shirtless. She watched as her abs glistened in the moonlight. She was taking in every detail and imagining what those abs would feel like under her tongue.

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