Friends Don't Fuck Husbands

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Anonymous POV

My boss told me that we have to get one more person to set up part of it for this plan to work.

They have only one person they can trust, and I believe they will get the job done. Their job isn't too hard. It's just going to help us keep tabs on Luis.

Lauren doesn't have her job back, and I don't think Camila has tried to convince her to try and get it back yet. So that's a good thing for us because that means Luis hasn't been able to start his plan yet.

After I sent the phone call and got rid of Shawn, it helped us decide our next move.

We have to hope it's going to work because, by the looks of it, if Luis gets his way, Lauren doesn't have very much longer to live.

(Bold is anonymous italics is the person on the other end of the phone call)

Hey, so your job is simple. You're not going to be tied to anything once this is done, so there's no chance of you getting in trouble. Plus, you get $2,000 out of this.

I don't even need money to do this, but it's a plus. I want to see Luis go down just as much as you guys.

Good, that's exactly why we picked you to help us. Anyways...

I explained in detail what they were going to be doing and how to do it without getting caught. The only downside is that they have to get close to Luis to do it, but I left that up to them to decide how they wanted to do that.

Now that they were doing that, I have to make sure we know exactly what Luis is planning.

I decided a good place to start was hacking into his email.

"Goddammit," I muttered to myself as the password denied again.

No way he's smart enough to have a strong password. Maybe it's something stupid like pussy. But it doesn't hurt to try.

Access Granted

Are you fucking kidding me? Of course, that's it.

Now let's see what he's got in here.

After spending about 20 minutes of mindless scrolling, looking for something that had anything to do with Lauren or Camila, I finally found it.

An email to Cruz Lauren's old boss, now Camila's boss. It read.

I sent half of the payment. It's your turn to act. Get Camila to get Lauren to that warehouse. Or do it yourself. I don't care. Just get it done. You'll get the rest once it's over. The address is attached below. Like I said before, do what I asked and we won't have any problems.

-Miguel Luis Fernandez

Now we know for sure that Cruz is on his side. Either he does it himself or through Camila. Either way, it may work.

Now to come up with a plan for either outcome.

Luis POV

Camila hasn't come home for over a month now. Not that I care. It's given me a lot of free time to have others girls stay over, but the only thing that's pissing me off is I found out who she's staying with.

It turns out she's fucking a girl. Guess who it is, fucking Lauren or Morgado, whatever the fuck her name is. I can't believe she wants to trade some good dick for a girl.

Not gonna lie; I felt a little bad about the whole thing because Lauren is hot, but now I find out she's fucking my wife. Hell no, this bitch is going down.

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