I'll Remember That

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A/N- I know the gun in the picture is not the same as the one mentioned later on. I just wanted to put this picture in.

Lauren's POV

The street was desolate. At this time of night, everybody is in their bed or somebody else's bed safe and sound. Not me though, I'm in my precinct finding out where this fucker left this body of his.

I can hear my shoes hitting the floor as I walk back over to where the monitor for the cameras is.

I keep looking over my shoulder, not that I'm scared, just on high alert. This guy got in once he can do it again.

To be careful, I pull my gun out and set it on the counter next to me, making sure the safety is off in case I have to use it quickly.

I rewatch the video but this time paying attention to the indoor cameras. So far, it looks like he walked into the elevator. I scan some more seeing he walks out on the top floor. The only thing on that floor is my office. Shit, that must be where it is.

I grab my gun and begin making my way to the top floor. 

Camila POV

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening and closing.

"Where were you?" I asked Luis while turning on the lamp and sitting up.

"Out," great answer.

"Oh, ok out. With who, dumbass? Where? It's practically 4 am. No way you were working, so where were you?" I pressed.

"With friends. Jesus Christ, Camila, this is why I can never do anything but work. You're always on my ass."

"Well, maybe I wouldn't be on you so much if you didn't work at such odd hours. How do I know you're actually working and not fucking some random bitch." I retorted.

"So that's what you think of me? I work so fucking hard to support you, and this is the thanks I get? How do I know your not fucking some random guy? Huh? Exactly, now let me fucking sleep." He's wrong about one thing, not a guy.

"Fuck you, Luis, you can sleep on the couch tonight," I said, throwing my arm in the air and turning back over to turn off the light.


"The hell I will I pay for this fucking bed, and I'll sleep in it."

"No, asshole, now get out," I said lightly, shoving him as he was trying to get in bed.

That's when the one thing I never expected him to do happened. I was always able to deal with him. Sure he was an asshole, but he never crossed this line.

*smack* he landed a hard slap right across my cheek. "Don't touch me, you ungrateful little bitch. Either you suck my dick or get out of my bed."

I couldn't utter a word, not because I was hurt or sad, but I was dumbstruck. Had that really just happened.

The closer he got to me, the more I smelt the alcohol, so he must've been drunk, but there was another smell to him, almost like sex but nastier.

I didn't utter a word. Instead, I slid out of bed and grabbed a hoodie from the closet with some shoes. I calmly walked downstairs and sat. I thought about what just happened. As my cheek began to sting more the more my blood boiled.

He's going to pay for that.

Lauren's POV

The elevator beeps as it goes up all the floors. Finally, the elevator stops at the top floor, floor 21, to be exact.

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