More Than Words

333 16 3

Camila POV

Today is finally the day that Lauren is getting sent home. It's been a month since the accident, and I've spent every day by her side.

She spent the majority of her time working with all kinds of doctors and getting herself fully recovered. Once all her broken bones healed, they started physical therapy to get her back to full mobility.

She ended up having to have surgery on her brain because she had some internal bleeding. They checked to see if she had lost any memory or anything, but luckily her brain function wasn't affected.

At first, she required help for everything, and I spent most of my time doing that, but when we got nearer to her leaving, she became more independent again.

"You got all your things?" I asked her as we were getting ready to walk out.

"I think so," she said, taking one last look around the room.

"Ok, then let's go," I said, ushering her out of the door.

Halfway down the hallway, she stopped me, "Wait, there's someone I have to say bye to."

I watched her go up to nurse Ally and quickly followed.

"I'm leaving today," she told Ally.

"Good, Im so glad you recovered well. I don't want to see you in here again," she said, pointing at her. "I don't want to see you in here either," she said, pointing at me.

"We'll try not to end up back here," I said, giggling.

"Good. Stay safe, you two," she yelled after us as we walked away.

"You going to miss this place?" I asked Lauren.

"Hell no," she replied, putting her arm around my shoulder.

-Later at Lauren's house

"Finally, my own bed," Lauren said as she threw herself on top of it.

"Enjoy it. I'm going to take a shower. I'll be out soon," I said as I walked to the bathroom laughing at her.

I let the hot water run over my body as I leaned against the wall. Finally, things were looking up for us. Maybe this was the beginning of a beautiful life to come.

I could take her to meet my family, or maybe I should start with her meeting Dinah.

I sighed and turned the water off, stepping out and wrapping myself in the fluffy towel I had left on the counter.

I then wrapped my hair up in another towel and walked out into the bedroom to grab some clothes to change into.

I noticed Lauren sitting on the bed playing the guitar. Instead of grabbing my clothes, I moved to sit next to her on the edge of the bed.

She was playing a slower melody, but I recognized it. Then she began to sing.

"Saying I love you is not the words I want to hear from you.

It's not that I want you not to say, but if you only knew.

How easy it would be to show me how you feel.

More than words is all you have to do to make it real.

Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me

'Cause I'd already know."

Her voice was nothing like I'd heard before. She could sing beautifully, and she had a different voice than others. While it was beautiful, it also had a deep soul-like sound to it. It was just perfect.

I Like You More Than I PlannedWhere stories live. Discover now