Who I Am

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A/N: Pay attention to everything because not all is to what meets the eye.

Time jump back to the prior night

Anonymous POV

There he was, walking out of the club. He wasn't alone. He seemed to be with a female. Once I got a better look, I recognized her to be his wife, Camila.

I soon realized I wasn't the only one watching them. A masked person jumped out in front of them. Who could this mystery person be?

I continued watching. There was blatant hostility in her voice as she talked. That was confirmed when she kicked Luis to the ground knocking him out. Camila looked terrified, but she was frozen. The masked person didn't seem to have any intent to hurt her.

I couldn't follow them anymore as the masked person hoisted Luis over their shoulder and led Camila to a small storage facility out of my sight.


The next morning-

After doing extensive research on the masked person, I got a slight idea of who they were. They had the mask that matched the leader of Los Jaguares. That means it could only be Morgado. Which, contrary to my initial thoughts, was a man is a woman.

That was all I learned, but it was a step in the right direction.

Another thing I learned is why the mask and why Morgado was handling this directly. I reported it all to my boss. They were pleased to learn about the new advances I'd made.

They specifically advised me to back off of Luis because they would take him on personally, and I would now give my undivided attention to Morgado.

I would find out who she was behind the mask because, as far as I was concerned, she just stood in the way of my initial plan. Or our initial plan. Take over Dez syndicate once and for all.

Lauren POV

Camila hung up the phone. I had to come up with something to convince her not to go further with investigating this.

Maybe I could tell her the truth but also no the complete truth?

The only person I knew would understand, and that would assist me in this was Vero. I picked up my phone to text her.

Me: Hey, come here.

It didn't take her long to respond.

Vero: Why? I just got a coffee, and this chair is feeling mighty comfortable.

Me: Please? It's important.

No answer.

Me: Don't make me come over there and drag you into my office.

Vero: Fine, I'm omw.

About a minute later, Vero walked in with an annoyed look on her face. "So what was so important that it interrupted my morning coffee?"

"Well," I said, moving closer to her and lowering my voice, "Last night I had to deal with someone because he a guy of ours short on money. Little did I know that guy was Mr.Cabello."

Her eyes widened. Now I had her attention.

"I got the money and didn't hurt Camila because sadly she was with him, but after I left her with her husband at her place, she called me. She just cried in my arms after I changed and got to her. I felt so bad."

A smirk appeared on Vero's face. "What?" I said, slightly irritated because it cut off what I was saying.

"Oh, nothing, nothing just that Lauren, I mean THE Lauren Jauregui cares for once." I could already see where she was going with this, and I was not about to let that happen right now.

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