Crazy For You

517 14 14

Anonymous POV

Morgado pulled out of the parking lot of her warehouse.

I have one of two options right now. I either jump in my car and follow her to see where she's going and get a glimpse of Morgado's personal life. If she even has one. Or see what happened to that mystery guy I saw two men drag in there after she went in.

The easiest one would be to stay at the seemingly unguarded and creep warehouse. I chose that over getting close to her this early in the investigation of her. I don't want to run the risk of getting my cover blown now.

From what I could see on the outside, no cameras were surrounding the place, and she had no full-time security. I could easily get in.

I did some research on this place. All I know is it belongs to Los Jaguares, and there's no security system marked for it.

My boss had me sit outside of it and wait for her to possibly show up after we got a tip that she comes here almost every Friday.

After I saw a black and red SSC Tuatara pull up, I immediately paid attention to who exactly was getting out of the car. That's when I noticed it was Morgado. She spent about 4 hours there in total, doing God knows what.

The only thing that I got was that the way her hair waved down her back was familiar. Her presence and the way she held herself felt all too close to home.

That's most likely because I work with so many rich and high-status people that I've gotten used to that type of attitude.

After a while of waiting around to see if anyone would show up, I left my hidden confines that were the dense woods surrounding the warehouse and stalked up to what looked like the side door.

To my surprise, the door was unlocked. It was like any old rusty warehouse door would be, loud and creaky.

I cringed as the door scraped open.

Immediately the scent of marijuana hit my nose. God, how did she spend so much time in here? I'd be surprised if I'm not high by the time I leave this place.

The place was dark, and at first glance, it could be mistaken for a regular warehouse full of pallets if it wasn't for the smell.

At closer inspection, all those pallets were filled with drugs. Pretty much any drug that sells in the U.S. was here. I could have sworn I even saw a box labeled Benadryl in there.

I noticed a lone staircase off to the side. It had one set of stairs going up and some going down.

I decided to go upstairs first since it was only one flight going up.

At the top, there seemed to be a black door that led to what looked to be an office.

I pushed the door open, and it was as I expected. I, for the most part, an office that overlooked the floor of the warehouse.  From what I could see, there was nothing special about it.

Until I noticed the bookshelf, there was an entire shelf that had displayed masks. They were mostly the same ones that Morgado wore but with varying degrees of scratches and blood on them.

They all had blood on them, and to me, that seemed to be the reason they were displayed. Maybe Morgado was worse than I thought. I'd heard stories of how bad she was, but the way she treated Mrs.Cabello the other day didn't seem like any story I've heard.

She even took her home and made sure she was safe. Something was up, and I am going to get to the bottom of it.

I turned around and noticed a desk with a couch next to it. Everything looks normal except for a drawer that was slightly open in the desk.

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