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After Camila and Lauren reunited, they spent their time getting their affairs in order.

I assume I should explain how we got to this point.

Let's go back to Lauren's accident. After Camila almost lost her, she realized that she actually did love the girl, and she couldn't go through with that plan if it meant hurting her. So Camila told Lauren everything, from start to finish.

Lauren quickly understood and was grateful for her transparency. Together they devised a plan to take down Luis and reign together.

They soon learned that even if they got rid of Luis, there would still be many people after Lauren, so maybe killing her was the best option, but not literally.

The plan was that they would make it look like the two biggest drug dealers got into a shoot-out and killed each other right before the warehouse caught on fire, leaving Camila in her husband's legacy. Lauren also made sure to write Camila into her will, so she got that as well.

After her "death," Lauren changed her appearance. Starting with her hair, she decided a color change was due, and light brown seemed like the best option. She changed the way she acted and wore color contacts. She was not Michelle.

After all this preparation and work, they were finally done.

Even though Lauren wasn't Lauren anymore, she was still Lauren to Camila. When they were alone, Lauren would take off the contacts and be herself around Camila because she always knew how to bring it out of her. She was still the woman she fell in love with so many months ago.


After a year of living as Michelle, she proposed to Camila, sealing that they would be together forever.

At first, Dinah and Normani were disappointed in her for moving on so fast, but after a discussion between Lauren and Camila, they decided to tell Dinah and Normani. After a long discussion, they understood completely. They were just relieved that Lauren wasn't dead.

Camila went on to keep running Cabello Inc as the COO. Together she and Lauren put Los Jaguares and Dez Syndicate together making, Laurmila Cartel. The play on words went over people's heads.

Sure they had their fair share of arguments and disagreements, but mostly Camren was doing just fine.

A year after the wedding, they decided that it'd be fun to have kids.

It didn't surprise them when Camila quickly fell pregnant with the help of a donor. What surprised them was Normani and Dinah moving in together as a couple.

Apparently, the whole operation stemmed Norminah, and from then on, they just got closer.


Later on in life, Camren ended up having a total of 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. Even Norminah got married and had kids. Only one girl, though.

As they got older, they taught their kids all about running both family businesses in plans to pass it on to them once they died.

Not every story has a happy ending, but the world thought they deserved a good ending living in retirement, together and happy after this turbulent life.

And there it is, how love beat desire and money. How after everything, two people came together and chose love. How a sad broken little girl changed her life into a story worth telling. So take this story not as an unlivable fantasy but as a lesson that you can choose where your life goes. Take every chance you get and jump at crazy opportunities because every time you don't, that's a chapter or paragraph you never write. So never give up and make your life the story you want it to be. Live it to the fullest because you never know when it's your last day here.


Sorry if this isn't what y'all expected but it's something. Don't be disappointed I'm already working on another story two actually just deciding which to post first. How about y'all let me know one is a high school setting Lauren has a crush on Camila but they're best friends and also Camila is dating Lauren's best friend. Or another one that I'm converting bad girl and the quiet gurl type thing. Y'all let me know. Anyways thank you so much for reading, voting, sharing, and commenting. I hope you enjoyed this story just as much as I did.

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