Know That I'm Here

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Lauren POV

As I'm driving, my mind starts running about Luis.

First, Rob asks me to "take care of him" at his club for some unknown reason. So, he's involved in drugs. I leave him a little note as to scare him. Soon after that, one of my warehouses gets blown up then someone from Dez syndicate shows up at my warehouse trying to spy. I kill him and send it to my primary suspect, Luis. Soon after, he runs away to New York, leaving Camila with me. Then another one of my warehouses goes up. These things don't bother me, but then I get a nice surprise from a "masked man" mocking me. Leaving my best friend for me to find. He didn't just leave it at my warehouse. He left it at my precinct, leaving me to understand that he knows Morgado is me. Then come to find out that Luis raped her before killing her along with some other no-name. That must mean Luis is behind Dez syndicate. Finally, making Luis, Miguel Luis Fernandez.

I guess it's my turn to respond with a surprise now.

Anonymous POV

-Time Jump back to the previous night.

(Bold is anonymous person italic is the person they're talking to.)

I can see her walking into the building now. God, you have me looking like such a creeper out here in the bushes.

Oh, shut up and do your job. Once she comes out, go back in and let me know any updates on this body.


-After Coroner released his statement to the precinct. On the phone again.

Hey, I just heard that it was Vero. She was murdered and raped.

Do they know who did it?

Well, uh yeah, about that.

What is it? Just tell me.

They did a DNA test and found out that Luis Cabello and Shawn Mendez raped her right before killing her.

Those bastards!

Camila POV

"Thank you so much for letting me stay with you last night," I told him as we were sitting in his kitchen eating the breakfast his maids prepared us.

"Of course, I just can't believe Luis would do that. I never thought of him as a man like that, but you can always come here and stay if you need to," Shawn said.

"Just between us, I've always liked you more," I said, winking at him.

"Well, Mila, I always knew you had the hots for me," he said, walking closer.

"Was it that obvious?" I said as he put his hand on the small of my back, and I put my hand on his muscular chest, staring into his brown eyes.

They're not like Laurens.

Shut up, mind.

You wish this were her holding you right now, not Shawn.

Shut up.

I was taken out of my internal conflict by his hot breath hitting my ear. "Why don't we take this upstairs? I can show you what it feels like to really be pleased. I'm much better than Luis."

Instead of opening my mouth and saying anything, I just nodded. If I did speak, I'm not so sure I would've agreed to go with him.

He got me upstairs and immediately sat me down on the bed.

I Like You More Than I PlannedWhere stories live. Discover now