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Camila POV

"Go to her," Normani said. "No matter how much you think or she thinks she doesn't need you, she does."

I couldn't even comprehend her words. All I was thinking about was her and the possibilities of her being dead.

I didn't even bother getting the car. If I did, I might end up in her place. Instead, I ran.

The hospital wasn't too far, but I was dripping in sweat by the time I got there.

I ran into the lobby and up to the nurse's counter.

"Ma'am, what's wrong?" the nurse asked me.

"I need to see Lauren Jauregui," I replied, panting.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that's going to be possible," she said solemnly.

"What, what do you mean?" I asked, tears beginning to burn my eyes.

"They couldn't save her, ma'am. It says right here in her chart that she was pronounced dead."

I felt time and the world physically slow down. My heart began to pound in my ears, and the tears finally began to fall.

I physically felt my heart shatter as I began to sob. This couldn't be. I can't lose her. There's so much I haven't said. I wanted more with her. It isn't her time to go.

Then another nurse walked up, "What? Let me see that chart," she said, moving the other nurse out of the way.

"What's your name, ma'am?" The short older nurse asked.

"Ca-Camila Cabello," I stammered in between sobs.

"Ok, you can come with me this way. My name is Ally. I'm sorry about that back there she's a trainee. She was pronounced dead, but seconds later, doctor Delevigne was able to revive her. She's still not stable but better than before." She told me all of this as she helped me up off of the ground and began walking me down the long hallway to the ICU.

"Normally, we don't let visitors in the ICU, but due to the circumstance, I believe it would only be right that you are there with her. We stopped walking outside of the door to her room. She's in a pronounced coma, but with just a little talking to, I believe you can wake her up."

"I want to let you know that while she was going in and out of consciousness, the only words we could get out of her was your name. Something about needing you: now go to her," she then left me standing outside of Laurens's room.

Had Lauren really said she needed to see me. She should've just gone with me after the precinct. This wouldn't have happened.

I took a deep breath deciding it was time to go in. Slowly I pushed the door open.

She had monitors all around her and so many wires connected to her. She still had dry blood in certain places, a cast around her arm, and a bandage on her head. She also had a tube going down her throat. I assume to help her breathe.

"God, Lauren, what did you do," I said, barely above a whisper.

The tears began to fall more as I looked at her. I walked over and grabbed her hand, gently bringing it to my lips and kissing it, then sitting in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey," I said to her.

"Im assuming you can't hear me, but I'm here. That was really stupid of you. Why did you drive in that state? I know you knew better than that. Why didn't you just come home with me as I asked? I knew it wasn't a good idea to let you leave alone. Lauren, I want you to know how wrong you are. I mean everything I say to you. Im genuinely worried about and I was earlier too. Why do you have to be so naive? Why can't you just realize that I really like you? You have made me realize so many things about myself and people. The main thing I've taken away is that I can love. I love you, Lauren Jauregui. It took me a while to realize what I was feeling, but this solidified it. I cared too much for it ever to be just sex. I love you so much."

By the end of my little speech, I was bawling. I dropped my head on her arm and kept holding her hand.

I began realizing how dumb I was talking to someone whos not even awake.

That was until I felt a small squeeze on my hand. I shot my head up to look at her, and sure enough, her eyes were slowly opening.

Then barely the slightest sound came out of her mouth. If I had breathed a little too loud at that moment, I might've missed it.

"I- I love.....you....too," she mustered out.

My heart swelled with affection and happiness. She was awake, and not only that, she said she loved me too. I gently hugged her. Then I realized I should probably let the doctors know that she is awake.

"Im going to be right back. I have to let the doctors know you woke up. Don't worry, and I promise not to leave you again." With that, I kissed her on the forehead and ran into the hall to grab a nurse or doctor.

I saw nurse Ally standing down the hall. "Hey, hey Ally, she woke up. She's awake," I stammered while grabbing her shoulders.

"I knew you could do it. Im going to go get doctor Delevigne."

I turned and walked back into her room, overjoyed that she was awake, and I finally found someone in this crazy world that I loved, and they loved me back.

Narrator POV

-One week later

Life was going great for Lauren and Camila. Lauren was recovering great and fast, and as Camila promised, she didn't leave her side the entire time.

They talked things out and decided that they wanted to be with each other. They began dating, and things haven't been better.

But there always has to be a downside, doesn't there?

Luis is his same old self.

After hearing about Laurens's crash, he was excited at the fact that she wouldn't pull through, or so he hoped.

Once he received news that she was recovering, he went into a fit of rage. Throwing his glass against the wall.

He immediately called his partner Marshal in and let him know that he wanted Lauren Jauregui dead. All of Luis's time was spent planning the perfect way to trap and kill her from that moment on.

He came up with a plan, but everything would have to go perfectly for this to work out.

"First, we get Lauren into the warehouse. She'll think that she finally has her chance to get her job back. By talking to Cruz and getting him to get Camila to push Lauren to fight for her job back, she'll definitely jump at any chance for that. Cruz will do anything for some extra cash, so that's the easy part. Once she's trapped in the warehouse chasing an empty lead, I can kill her. She'll die believing that her friend Camila led her into my trap. The perfect revenge," Luis told Marshal over the phone.

"You better hope this works," Marshal replied.

"Don't you worry about that. It will."

"Then let's get the ball rolling on this," Marshal said.

"I'll get it started," Luis said before hanging up.

He walked over to the window in his office, staring out over the city.

"Your time has run out, Lauren. It's my turn to take over."

A/N- Woah, am I actually posting two days in a row. I guess my excitement for this story came back. Or I want to get it over with. I cant tell. Either way, here you go. As always, thank you for reading, commenting, voting, and sharing. Stream Temporary.

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