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Holding him the best I can, taking him all the way up to his apartment was probably the most strenuous activity I've ever done in my life

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Holding him the best I can, taking him all the way up to his apartment was probably the most strenuous activity I've ever done in my life. Why is he so damn heavy. What kind of water is this man drinking.

7th floor apartment? But it's just his apartment. That entire floor, is his. I need to stop being surprised like this because of course this whole building is his. It's not even an apartment it's a whole fucking condo. C O N D O.

This is embarrassing I need to stop acting like I haven't seen places like in this in real life.

"My room's upstairs" he muttered through his ragged breathing. I'm sorry, did he say room? Like Adam King's bedroom?

With his arm still over my shoulder I stopped in my tracks. "Yeah no, I helped you all the way here you can go to your room yourself".

He looked up at me with his gleaming chocolate brown eyes, as if I said something offensive to his whole bloodline. He let out a small grunt.

"Ugh fuck" he muttered again. Yeah okay I got the hint. "Okay fine, but after that I'm leaving" I could see a small smirk form in the corner of his lips. Did I just see this asshole smile?

Helping him up the contemporary staircase felt like I was in the olympics. I miss one step I could loose an entire leg. Step by step we both walked upstairs. I could tell he was trying his best not to put all his weight on me but somehow this man felt thrice the size of me. Well fair enough I could take a whole Uber from one side of his shoulder to the other.

Four, maybe five rooms upstairs? I didn't have time to snoop around as he gently led me to his bedroom.


This whole room couldn't be more damn obvious that it's his. Hints of black and grey, contemporary... cement style? With his bed facing a massive glass overlooking a city view. I was in awe. It must be nice to be this rich. Better yet, he's living here all by himself? All of this? Just to himself? Ugh selfish prick.

He finally let go of me and walked to his bed and sat on the edge, gently taking off his leather jacket. His huffing like breathing getting louder as he started to lift his mess of a shirt.


I should not be here. 

My eyes widened at the sight in front of me, ridiculously and quite obviously shifting my gaze uncomfortably everywhere around the room but at Adam.

It looks like he can't even use his other hand, using just one to take off his shirt. Oh my god why am I standing here like that mike wazowski meme. I really should go.

"Antheia..." he gently called for me, as if he wasn't just trying to beat a guy to death almost an hour ago. I sheepishly looked at him just for our eyes to meet.

Don't look anywhere other than his face you dumb ass. Am I making it too obvious that I can clearly his see shirtless body right now? This man is clearly in pain and I'm just thinking if his abs? Wait why is he so ripped? No really what was the reason for Adam to be this ripped? His abs are strangely too defined?

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