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I was absolutely nervous about heading back to the city, it's fully been a week since i was there

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I was absolutely nervous about heading back to the city, it's fully been a week since i was there. I don't know why I'm this anxious. It's not like ill see any of them.

Or see him.

Getting off the train reaching to the city I didn't realize i was still an hour early from when Anna gets off work, how did i end up late to catch the train that i had to get the one 20 minutes later and was still an hour early?

I got plenty time to kill and nothing to do.

Should i? Should i really?

It's been a while since I've seen the cats, i wonder how they're doing. And I could really use some cat therapy right about now. Giving marmalade a kiss on her soft head would immediately make things better for me

I mean it is a risk to head that way, considering it's right by uni, and close to Adam's place. Is that a risk I'm willing to take? Yes. I'm just not ready to see any of them yet but heading to Goodman's will definitely add to my detoxing.

Making sure i avoid all routes on the way to university i reached Goodmans.

Taking in the therapeutic smell of new books, i tip toed to the back to be greeted by sushi and marmalade.

Immediately falling to my knees i greeted them back, their tails high up and the tip of their tails bent, i slow blinked back. Yes I know cat body language. I spent one night extensively searching google on all things about cats. What their tail movements mean, how to know if they love you, what they're purring really means.

Not to mention, i dropped by a small store on the way to get them little treats. I don't know if it's allowed but, how can you resist not giving them little gifts.

The cats got comfortable after furiously snacking on the little treats i got them, sprawling about on the floor to show they're fully choosing to be vulnerable with me. Not to mention the little head bumps.

Spending the new few hours going through new arrivals section, reading a book with a cat soundly sleeping on your lap is one of my top ten moments.

Animals really do take away stress because this is the most I've felt at peace. My detoxing plan is working.

All i need is a cute cottage by the mountains and a bunch of cats, honestly who cares about some man?

I didn't realize time was going by, i was too much at content being surrounded by cats and books.

"Antheia?" A soft voice called out for me, catching me off guard. My body reacting to the surprise woke marmalade up. Her little body stretching deeply on my lap.

Liam's eyes were wide with concern, a kitten snuggled in between his arms like a baby.


Of course he'd be here.

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