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It's been a year since Adam and I have been together, although it still feels like it's only been a week

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It's been a year since Adam and I have been together, although it still feels like it's only been a week. So much has happened within that time period.

For starters he took me to Paris to celebrate our one year anniversary, a bit much if you ask me. A cute restaurant and a night out would've sufficed but him being extra, wanting to go above and beyond, we went all the way to Paris over the weekend. I appreciate the gesture, it's probably the sweetest and the most extra thing a person can do for me but we made a promise to put a pause on actions like that, unless it's something big like an anniversary; because phew how can a girl keep up? Meanwhile my gift was a handmade necklace and a limited edition book I got for him which was his favorite growing up. The girl's got game because he seemed to love them both immensely, he even goes to sleep with with necklace. He refuses to take it off.

We've slowly phased into living together, Adam convinced me that I should live with him in his apartment. Coming up with all sorts of excuses like it's unsafe I live alone, or that he misses me too much or that he has a jacuzzi, or even that he's got a fridge full of ice cream. Just whatever to convince me to live with him. Well it worked, and waking up next to him everyday is something I will never get tired of. Considering I wake up hours after him. I'm never a morning person but he happens to be, placing a soft kiss on my face before he starts his day and greeting me with something he's made for breakfast as I wake. Our life together has been full and wholesome. 

Liam hasn't still been back, we all collectively heard from him once. Just letting us know he was doing fine, living in the country side he owned two bookstores. Meanwhile managing some work from their publishing company on and off, he seemed content. He's fully retreated away from the city and seemed to be living the ideal life he always wanted.  A beautiful cottage on a hill overlooking the sea, he sent us a few Polaroids through the mail along with his letter since he's gone off social media too. "Wow how boring" Edward added, smiling from ear to ear reading his friends letter, eagerly examining the Polaroid of his cottage and even a little tabby cat Liam's got.

I've always kept the plushie he's sent me at the start very close to me. Keeping it by my bedside table and sometimes on my pillow before I head off, just so that he'll always be a part of me. He was one of my closest friends regardless and I'll never forget that. Seeing the little plushy laying against my pillow always brings a smile to my face. It gives off the same warmth and comfort as he used to.

Oh and the girls? Erika and James are engaged. Yeah, engaged. Now did any of us see that coming? Not at all. It was one random day at the Kings room where she gently walked in squealing her guts out, exposing her hand to all of us, pointing out the fat diamond on her finger.

We were all beyond ecstatic for her, of course we celebrated the way the Kings would. And that? Was a private cruise.

Since Erika and James were to be married soon, it's time Adam and him made up. With Erika and i being the only ones to know why they're not friends anymore with James having told his future wife the reason of their supposed animosity, she and i concocted a plan to get the two men to make up again.

Granted it was difficult, I had to pretend I was taking Adam somewhere, with Erika doing the same. We tricked our men to being the in same emptied out bar together while me and Erika made a run for it. Hiding in the upstairs, playing go fish while the two men stare at each other in shock, wondering why either of them are here and not their girls.

It started off with their smartass comments, followed by a few punches landing here and there. She and I just watched, a deck of cards between our palms, sighing. Of course we predicted that, but they're capable of controlling their actions so we just continued playing our game. Finally, the two got tired of going at each other. Getting all of their anger and frustration from what happened all those years ago.

Ordering two whiskeys, the two poorly beat men reminisced their childhood together. Resulting in finally, mending their friendship. And then, our mission was successful. "Ugh finally, I thought I was gonna fall asleep watching them fight" Erika yawned, having spent almost two hours up here listening to her fiancé being dramatic. We both didn't even realize we were dozing off, glad to finally sneak out.

Meanwhile, Rhiannon and Edward has started their relationship, moving past the phase where she can't stand him to where they can't be without each other. Edward has gotten more bearable upon being with Rhiannon, the two compliment each other immensely. "I am here to see my woman" Edward joked every time he arrives to pick her up. "Shut up" replies Rhiannon, standing on her top toes to place a kiss on his cheek.

All of our lives coincide each other. Everything we do, we do it as a tight knit group, I don't know what I'd do without either of them in my life.

Without fail, I head to Goodmans everyday. I almost never forget to check on the cats, and they've all grown so much. Marmalade having become a little chunky, probably because of my snacks. They meow profusely as they see me come, greeting me with their cute pitter patter of their paws.

Walking into the back with sushi following me I notice a new cat, there hasn't been any new cats here for almost a year. It was a fully grey cat with piercing green eyes looking up at me letting out a husky meow. Silence loomed over the bookstore, the little pitter patter of paws running back and forth playing with each other.

Huh that's odd.

Walking a little further towards the back to check on the other cats, I immediately stopped.

I let out an audible gasp, A smile forming on my lips.

Of course I was too attached I had to make an epilogue, consider this a special chapter which could be cannon which could not. Wherever you prefer to end the story, either here or in the final chapter.

Either way, Thank you for all your votes, comments <3

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