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"What's going on?"  I puzzled, Liam's ocean blue eyes peering into mine, he looked like he was in a rush, his brown locs messy but that's just his usual

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"What's going on?" I puzzled, Liam's ocean blue eyes peering into mine, he looked like he was in a rush, his brown locs messy but that's just his usual.

He studied me from head to toe, taking all of me in before giving me his warm smile.

"I don't have much time, I just had to come see you" he disclosed, speaking in a rushed tone. My face scrunched up in confusion, my eyes were searching his bright blues for clarification. Everything was happening so fast and its giving me anxiety.

"What? Liam what are you talking about?" I tried to calm myself down and him, attempting to get him to situate himself in our conversation.

"I'm going back to England tonight, my flights in an hour" i felt the breath knocked out of me as he said those words. My eyes widened in disbelief, taking a few steps back. "W- why are yo-"

"I don't know when I'll be back" he sighed, taking fewer steps to make himself over to me, attempting in his own way to calm my reaction. I was struggling to speak out my emotions. This is so sudden, why would he leave like that? Everything was fine yesterday, we were together with the cats and everything was fine? Was this why he was different yesterday? Before l left?

"Do the others know?"

"No, but ill let them know" he replied, his voice hushing.

He was staring into my eyes, a disappointed defeated expression on his face. Ive never seen him like this. He always looked happy, always had a smile on his face. He powered through everything. Seeing him so serious? On the verge of looking sad was something i do not know how to respond to.

It was just the two of us outside in the back of the mansion. It was quite, surrounded by faded sounds of birds in the distance, the only source of light being from the moon and the brightly lit corridors from inside the castle peaking out through the windows.

He reached out to cradle both my palms in his, they fit right in. Caged inside his warm hands.

"Antheia i- it's my fault for waiting this long. For not telling you, for letting it go on for this long" silence was looming around us, my heart beating so loudly it was ringing in my ears. God say something, why can't i say something?

"And if i tell you now it could ruin everything but I can't anymore, it'll kill me if I don't" he gently pulled me closer to him. Immense confusion flooded my head, my expression doing the best to convey what was going on inside my head.

"Liam? What are you saying?" There was a pause between us, he looked unhappy. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere doing anything than be here in this moment right now. He looked into my eyes helplessly. "I'm in love with you Antheia. I have been for so long" he confessed, the expression on his face looking disappointed and perhaps even angry, at himself.

I felt my body tense. As if i lost all power to move. I immediately let go of my hands that were cradled within his palms, distancing myself from him. He angrily drove his hand through his hair, his jaw clenched. Ive never seen him like this.

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