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Adam was nowhere to be seen the entire time all of us were hanging out at the pool, but quite frankly I didn't care, and the others didn't even realize his absence

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Adam was nowhere to be seen the entire time all of us were hanging out at the pool, but quite frankly I didn't care, and the others didn't even realize his absence.

We spent hours under the sun, drinking cocktails, listening to music and swimming about. Completely detached and from reality and probably the one of the happiest moments of my life, coming second after meeting the cats.

However, sticking to the agenda Erika planned for us we all got out of the pool to get changed for the 'special activity' she wanted all of us to do.  I wonder if Adam would join this time.

"Hey, that was kinda cool what you did... telling Jenna off like that" Edward stopped  halfway through climbing the staircase on the left side while i was on the right. Because of course this castle has two adjoining staircases leading to the upstairs.

I was completely caught off guard with the sudden niceness he was giving off. Edward? Being nice to me? He's probably drunk, i should just accept that as it's probably the last time he's ever going to be nice to me.

"Well yeah... she kinda had it coming" I replied, tipsy off the champagne; making me grin from ear to ear. "Yeah she did. We all got each other's backs"

This is genuinely the first time I've seen him like this, I didn't even think he's capable of being decent, let alone being nice. I mean i did deck him in the face.

"Okay anyway, catch you later loser" and there he is. I actually couldn't help but giggle. What a wierdly wholesome interaction with the most unlikeliest of people.

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Getting into another pastel dress i had on, we all gathered back outside by the pool. Everyone was freshened up and definitely still drunk.  "Edward are you fucking high?" Rhiannon exclaimed, studying him.  "Not bad and yourself?" He replied nonchalantly, resulting in everyone to burst out laughing. Of course he is. His eyes were literally lagging.

Adam was seated on a sun bed, the sun still out and landing on his chocolate brown eyes, which we're trying it's best to not directly look at me. He had a fat cigar between his fingers. The smoke clouding as he blew it out.

"Okay so here's what we're going to do. We're doing hide and seek!" Erika jumped in excitement, clapping her hands to catch all of our intoxicated attention. I have to say, i'm almost sober. Wow thats a first considering i fold after just one glass.

"Are we fucking 12?" Edward spoke, his voice sounding tired, matching his eyes.

"Shut up, this is my favorite game. And also there's a catch" ... "oh fuck" Rhi mumbled.

"Whoever that gets caught first by me, has to chug that unholy foul concoction" she proudly added as she pointed to a tall glass with a brownish liquid inside.

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