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Finding out that Erika has a yearly birthday tradition of getting everyone she's close to, to her personal 'little' castle up on the country side for a weekend is sending me on a feral panic

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Finding out that Erika has a yearly birthday tradition of getting everyone she's close to, to her personal 'little' castle up on the country side for a weekend is sending me on a feral panic. Because first of all, A CASTLE? Second of all A CASTLE? And of course thirdly a CASTLE?

I need to stop ending up surprised every time they bring up some of their rich people activities but at some point, how rich can they get? How do you acquire a castle OF YOUR OWN?

And since it's this coming weekend it's making me panic, HARD. What do you even wear for a weekend in a castle? Florals? Pastels? Flowy dresses? Does it have a pool? Do castles even have a pool?

So many questions but obviously being the idiot i am, played it cool when she told me about it without questioning her on how to come prepared. So now i am stressfully panic packing.

After that night in the mall I've been getting death glares from Jenna on the rare occasion we see each other but she actually didn't approach me or the rest of us after. And of course did Rhiannon and Erika lost their shit when they found out. I think Rhiannon pissed herself a little and cursed herself for not being there to witness it.

Jenna is so disliked that even Edward seemed to enjoy the situation he actually laughed with us. And the best part is, the girls obnoxiously laughs even harder every time she appears in our vicinity, just for her to be aware that she's now become a joke. I mean it's not that any one of them wouldn't have told her off. Rhiannon of all people, because she would've, much better than i did. But she can't, neither of them can. All because of how they're all indirectly connected within their families in business and it could cause rifts or whatever bullshit rich people business; I genuinely have no interest in knowing. She explained it very clearly to me but unfortunately I just spaced out.

Either way, the rest of the kings are basking in this and I'm glad to have given them that.

If it wasn't amazing already, the best part is that since its' Erika's birthday and birthday tradition. She gets to invite whomever she wants which means Jenna will not be attending. Which also means it will just be Adam.

An entire castle for just the 6 of us seems a bit much, but then again they have an entire mall for just the 5 of them so why am i still questioning at this point.

With rides designated, the girls arrives in one car and the boys another. And I physically and mentally cannot fathom how excited and unprepared i am to spend a weekend in a fucking castle.

                           •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

It was Friday morning and no of course I didn't eagerly wait for the weekend how pathetic is that? But also yes of course i slept the night before with my outfit i was supposed to wear just laid out on the chair. Who am i kidding.

With the girls outside my apartment building i loaded my suitcase at the back and we were on the road. We would be getting there in about four hours. The countryside sure is a bit far, and considering this is my first time actually heading to that direction i was even excited.

On our ride together the three of us had McDonald's take out and had Erika's designated playlist made just for this weekend bellowing inside the car while Rhiannon drove. Sneakily speeding every few minutes because she wants to 'get in the pool and tan before the sun goes away'.

The Colbert castle as it was called, was a gift given to her when Erika was just 13. She owns a fucking castle at 13. But since she was in the UK for a while she wasn't able to use it much, only starting the birthday tradition when the Kings were fully formed and running.

I mean hey, i get piss drunk on most of my birthdays and vomit my guts out the next morning. They probably do the same thing, just inside a millionaire castle.

Rhiannon however were completely on the opposite side of the spectrum, her birthday celebrations consists of a private cruise party, or renting out an island. Either or.

Yes i heard that correct. Renting out an ISLAND

I've learned to just smile and nod. In the words of Nicki Minaj "poor people can never laugh".

The ride to the country side was actually super swift. We got there possibly less than four hours and I'm not even surprised considering how much Rhiannon sped to get here, she was adamant on not missing the sun that she was prepared to sacrifice our lives.

I was in awe at the place. The Castle was placed on a small hill, surrounded by greenery and well kept front yard. With trees lined up to the entrance of the castle. It looked like we went back in time the minute we got there, with vines shrouding the tall brick walls of the castle.

There was what i assume a butler? And one housekeeper, outside the main entrance into the castle. Greeting us as we got out of the car.

With no second to waste, Rhiannon grabbed her bag from inside the car rushing inside to change into her bikini so she can head to the sunbeds.

Ive never been to a castle before and it was exactly what i thought it would look. The inside of the place was majestic, chandeliers and vintage wallpaper. I really transported back in time.

"So here's the agenda, do whatever you like this whole place is just for us. But after 4pm we're all gathering by the pool for an activity and then there's a bonfire at 9" Erika gleamed before heading back inside to change.

Heading to my supposed bedroom up the regal staircase i audibly gasped.

I think this entire bedroom is the size of my whole apartment. I do not know how to behave. The bed was adorned in the most silkiest of sheets, I'm sure an entire family of five could sleep on here. A little fireplace? A balcony facing the backyard and the pool; which was massive on it's own. In all honesty I just wanted bury myself under the sheets and sleep but i gotta change and go downstairs to meet the girls.

Changing into my three piece i headed downstairs to join the girls who's already started booming their music on a surround speaker, the sound of popping open a champagne bottle and of course hooting by the pool.

"TO ERIKA, HAPPY 23RD PRINCESS" Rhiannon screamed as she handed me a champagne glass, the three of us clinking our glasses together.

This was perfect, this was ideal. Why couldn't it stay this way, just the three of us. But no of course not, what was once peaceful fun between the girls were short lived when were heard revving of a vehicle engine overpowering the music.

"Great. They're here" Rhi added sarcastically.

I was enjoying each other's company so much I actually forgot the guys were supposed to come, suddenly i felt extremely anxious on facing him.

The three walked into the back, enclosing into our space changing the entire vibe we had going on.

"You guys partying already?" Edward yelled as he walked in.

As always, Liam followed by. Giving me a small wave, his entire expression beaming as he walked towards me.

"You look amazing. Are you ready to swim?" He whispered, already taking his shirt off.

Okay sir what the hell are you doing? I don't know how usual this is but Liam taking his shirt off with just his abs inches away from my face is definitely not something I expected to happen today.

"Uh not right now..." . "What? You're on vacation love, C'mon" he called out for me, giving me a small wink before cannonballing into the pool, resulting in erupted screams from the girls.

But there he was, standing on the other side of the pool. His gaze lingering directly on me.

A cigarette placed between his fingers, he looked nonchalant. But this time, I can tell there's something on his mind. Unlike other times, He's just become a little transparent.

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