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Once again we were at their personal mall, shut down and emptied at 8pm on a Thursday

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Once again we were at their personal mall, shut down and emptied at 8pm on a Thursday. Left out just for the Kings members. The girls and i were at the Prada store. Erika trying out shoes while Rhi was at the tryout rooms.

I of course clearly just tagging along, was seated at the seating area. Or better yet the chairs for the poorsies.

"I can't believe that bitch is here to stay" Rhiannon screamed from inside of the tryout room, clearly not giving a shit about the one sales person left behind to attend them. But frankly she looks unphased, so I'm guessing this isn't her first rodeo.

"Is she that bad?" I somewhat yelled back. "Trust me we're not exaggerating, she's the literal worst" Erika chimed in, her focus was on the new heels she was examining.

"Okay but why though?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowed. Rhiannon came out of the tryout room, two pieces of clothing over her arm where she then hands it to the sales lady, "pack this for me babe".

She turns her attention to me, sighing in defeat.

"The last time we were all in the same room, she purposely spilt red wine all over my CUSTOM MADE TEUTA DRESS" her voice gradually got louder, almost seething in rage. You can clearly see how extremely annoyed she is because she actually stomped her feet on the ground. "And you know why? Because she simply fucking wanted the dress. If she couldn't have it, no one could. Psychotic bitch" Rhiannon spat before turned around to head towards another clothing rack.

"If Adam and James hate each other...why is he...with his sister" i continued to question, for some reason trying to get to the bottom of this new turn of events. Also because, tea. Who doesn't love a good tea sesh with the gals.

"Well.. they've been hooking up way back when James and Adam were friends... and Jenna being the opportunistic sloth, clings onto Adam simply because he's richer" Erika added, trying out the chosen heels by walking one end of the store to the other. The sharp heels clicking on the floor as she strutted.

"And he doesn't know that or he doesn't care?"

"He doesn't care, but he hasn't been around her for a really long time though right?" Rhiannon tilted her head in confusion, trying to confirm with Erika. Who then stopped strutting with her new heels, trying to focus on the question directed at her.

And here i was seated at the poorsies chair as i like to call it, my eyes going back and forth from Erika and Rhiannon, eagerly taking in the information spilled inside the Prada store of all stores.

"Uhhhh not that I remember, actually they haven't.... not since.... Antheia joined" Erika's eyes widened as both the girls looked at me, then sighing in disappointment.

"What?" I asked, still not connecting the dots.

"Maybe he let that parasite back into his life after the date that night, he did seem super out of it and extra fucking mean" with a new puffer jacket on her hand, keeping it against her chest before trying it out, Rhiannon added.

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