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"Waiting for your boyfriend?" Rhi nudged me on the shoulder once again, teasing me relentlessly

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"Waiting for your boyfriend?" Rhi nudged me on the shoulder once again, teasing me relentlessly. 

"ugh stop. I'm serious" I pleaded.

You know when you're sort of finding this one guy attractive, just a little bit? And then you tell your friends about it, just for them to completely blow it out of proportion and overhype it. Teasing you relentlessly about that one guy until that tiny bit of attraction becomes a big ass fucking crush? Yeah? We've all been there. And i do not wanna end up like that again. What may just be attraction in passing will make you deeply fall for someone with just influence. Yeah i get it, I'm a weak bitch like that. I know that, which is why I do not want history repeating itself again.

"Ugh come on, we've never heard let alone SEEN Adam like this, this is everything" Erika pleaded, pouting. Giving me puppy dog eyes. God damn the brits.

"Okay fine, maybe i kinda like him being around" I exposed myself, the deepest darkest shrouded secret in my brain. Just out there.

"Can you all just shut the fuck up? Please?" Edward yelled from the background, peeking his head out from his laptop.

"Suck my dick Alexander" Rhiannon replied back nonchalantly. Oh of course this is an everyday exchange between the two.

Wait, did i just see him smirk?

Yeah okay whatever.

"You know another thing? I really do believe Liam has a crush on you. He kept bothering us to see if you were okay. I mean.... that's why we called, otherwise we were just gonna drop by at yours"

Well that's a turn of events.

"Just because he's nice to me doesn't mean he likes me like that" I hurriedly brushed off that idea from both of their minds. I have had enough for one day with these men. I need a drink.

The room became quiet, well not exactly. With faded Lofi music strumming around the room to bring some relaxation to all of us. While Liam was tucked away in one corner of the room, sinking onto a bean bag chair reading a nerdy ass book.

This place became even more homely than my actual apartment, the warm sun bask in through the large windows. The clicking sounds of the laptop keyboard coming from Edward in another side of the room.

So the Kings are capable of peace.

You know what? I could get used to this.

The doors to the room slammed shut.

Or not.

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