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I finally own a dress that the girls were satisfied in, it was a long shimmery red dress with a small train

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I finally own a dress that the girls were satisfied in, it was a long shimmery red dress with a small train. I slit up to the mid thigh and wide open back. And the gag is, it's from a much cheaper store than where they usually get there's from.

This is the first time I'm actually showing up to an event with the Kings, the last time... well... Adam got into a fight and i ended up staying back. God forbid he ends up doing something dumb like that again. I don't care that we're together now I'm still not jumping in between a fight to 'calm him down' like he's some rabid dog. He's a grown ass man well aware of his emotions.

Being gone the entire week the girls started filling the room with all the details of their lives I've missed out on. The three of us sitting on a pile of very expensive clothes inside Rhiannon's bedroom size closet.

For instance, Erika and James and actually in a relationship, and because of that he can actually show up to the Kings room as he pleases. Unlike his sister who's barred. Yikes.

Adam was displeased at best but considering he had bigger things to worry about at the time, i.e. finding me he really said nothing. What can he say? It's a bit hypocritical if he did anyway.

I wonder if Erika knows about the reason why Adam and James aren't friends anymore, it's not my place to tell anyone either. But everything would make a lot more sense to them once she finds out. Now that James is slowly linked to Kings he and Adam could perhaps mend their friendship in the long run.

"Yes, it happened again" Rhiannon sighed, embarrassed at the fact that she and Edward hooked up again upon coming back from the castle. She was the least bit proud about that fact but it was very entertaining to us see the internal struggle she's having. "He's so hot but he's so annoying" she exasperated, hiding her face behind a blouse.

It was pretty clear Edward wanted a relationship but our girl over here does not. "I can't stick to one thing you'll know that" she stated. This is turn of events i did not see coming whatsoever. Especially Edward being the homebody? Not a chance.

Thinking on it, what a chaotic relationship would that actually be? We wouldn't hear the end of it.

"So... have you guys done it yet?" Erika winked, her teasing tone directed at me. I couldn't have been fast enough to hide my blushing face. The very idea of being that intimate like that with Adam sends shivers throughout my skin. Nope, not happening. I tried my best to hide my embarrassed smile, sheepishly bowing my head down.

"Oh my god no, we just made up last night. Not happening. Not anytime soon" i protested. "Anyway" i brushed off the topic altogether trying to bring our focus back to Erika and Rhiannon and their love lives.

We spent the next few hours chatting about how James is like in bed, and yes neither Rhiannon and i asked to hear about it but boy was it hilarious to listen to her explain everything. Girl talk can be unnecessarily juicy.

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