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Panicking, that's right

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Panicking, that's right. I'm panicking. I'm standing here. In heels no less. Heels picked out by our  very own Rhiannon. Heels that made me grow like two inches. Heels that could actually stab someone so I have to make sure I don't step on anyone or it's ICU time.

I can't do this. I can't go to this event. For someone who's unusually confident even in situations they shouldn't be, where's all that confidence now. I feel overwhelmed. But why? The dress fits great, I mean really great I feel like I'm being hugged by fabric, maybe even groped if I'm being honest. Erika sent her makeup artist over to my place to dress me up so I didn't even have to stress out gluing my lashes right or stress about blending my eyeshadow evenly. So what I'm really freaking out about is Adam.

That prickly son of a bitch.

He's late.

And I HATE being late. for anything. It irks me to be late. And if I am, I'd rather not turn up. One of the weird things about me but I don't want people to know i'm a tight ass about time management. But what the fuck is Adam doing?

"Hey..you okay? you guys are like 40 minutes late, the event already started" Liam's soft voice on the other end of the phone call, strangely calming my panicking state.

"Ummm I don't know, Adam hasn't picked me up yet and he was supposed to...Should I just stay back.. I wasn't really supposed to come anyway"

"No don't say that, you're all ready and everything. We want you to come...look I'll come get you-"

"You do that and Adam will kill you" I could hear Erika's voice in the back interrupting Liam

"What and she's just gonna wait on him? God he's always like this. Unbelievable"

"Fuck it. I'm coming to get you". "No wait it's f-"

"Liam don't be a dumbass, you know we don't get in the way of Adam's things" a familiar voice interjected. Of course. Edward.

"What? what things?" I could feel myself stress out even more, hearing them all speak all at once over the phone.

"Okay Theia listen, call me back in another 15 minutes if Adam hasn't picked you up yet. I'll come get you okay?"

At this point I didn't want to go. I already feel tired. I wasn't looking forward to going anyway I feel like he did me a little favor. All that panicking from before tired me out. I started taking my heels out, already prepared to stay back.

well this was a blast. I'm glad I had no expectations on any form for today, Adam is a dick and he's just living up to it.

Catching me off guard there was banging on my door. Not knocking, Banging.

What the fuck?

"who is it?" I called out, slowly grabbing my kitchen knife as if I couldn't be more paranoid on top of everything else.

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