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I know I'm standing in front of the main gate

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I know I'm standing in front of the main gate.. so where's Adam? He left didn't he? Was he waiting for me? Why didn't he even call me? I mean he has my number right?  Should i call him?

Wait... of course. Of course he didn't call because he was never fucking here in the first place. Was this all a trap? God i feel so stupid.  I feel glad I wasn't here since 8. Could you imagine? Waiting here just freezing. For some GUY?

I feel bad just leaving  Liam behind like that but I'm sure he'd understand.  It's late I shouldn't even be out like this, thankfully my place is close by so i rushed back home.

I'm really just going to put all this behind me.  I'm just going to forget this ever happened, this whole thing with Adam stops now.

                                                                                                       °•. ✿ .•°

Walking to uni i exhaled deeply, a new day. Which means no more Adam drama. And i owe Liam an explanation.

It was a usual day, attending my lectures i headed towards the Kings room, but i stopped.

It's kind of getting repetitive now... every time its always the kings room.

I walked into the little cafe in the Uni lounge area, i let out a little chuckle to myself. This is where it all began. Where i punched Edward (rightfully so). And where i first saw him.

However, i kind of wanted to distance myself from the Kings today. Or anyone for that matter. I need to breath without all this drama for a hot minute.

Oh but of course, I honestly think the girls have this weird sixth sense because there goes m,y phone, vibrating relentlessly. Getting flooded with texts from the two of them on our little three person group chat.

"Theia, where the fuck you at"  Rhi demanded.

"We're in the hot tub hehe, wanna come?" Erika added.

Now see, getting into a hot tub after a boring lecture seems really ideal, but right on school grounds? I think not. Respectfully.

"Swamped with a bit work, I'll see you'll later" i replied, sighing in defeat.

"Boo you whore" my very good friend Rhiannon texted back. I'm sure they wanted to know what happened last night, but they probably met Adam beforehand, and figured it out themselves. Last thing i need is to revisit last night again. Embarrassing first of all. And second, i only want to focus on the hours before that, with the cute cats in the bookstore... with Liam.

I was able to spend the next hour peacefully by myself, finishing off any piled up assignments and going through what needed to be done. I don't need no Kings room for that.

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