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It's been like three days? two? since I was at Adam's apartment

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It's been like three days? two? since I was at Adam's apartment. Since the kiss. I stayed holed up in my place most of the time, attending uni just to head to class and head back. The only sort of interaction i had with the rest being just through calls and group chat. 

My excuse for my little to no presence being 'work overload'. 

Yeah seems a little dramatic but who am i kidding, we all love to get a little theatrical now and then.  Don't we all wanna be the main character of the story. *looks at the camera*

But most importantly i just wanted to get my thoughts in place, i was confused mostly. What does this mean? i'd be lying if i said i didn't like that... because i did. i'm not a saint, he really does something to me. But what does this mean?

All this time he was toying with me like cat and mouse, acting like he can't stand the sight of me and then he does something like this? does he... like me?

I was laying in my bed, haven't actually got out of bed in hours. it's 2 pm and i still haven't even had lunch. Am I in a rut or am I just lazy? still in my shorts and a sweater. I just stared at the ceiling, continuing to dissect the anomaly that is Adam King.

There's no way he likes me, he's more suited for someone like... Erika. Albeit from what she's told me "i'd rather eat my own fucking foot than be with Adam King" her english accent rings inside my mind.

So why me?

does he have a plan or something? I know this is a stretch but from all that I've seen, it's better to look at all areas. Last thing i need is trusting a man who's only going to end up hurting me, Again.

Maybe there is no great plan, I'm giving him too much credit. He simply just wants to hook up and ditch. There we go. Why would i ever assume he's any different to Edward. Better yet that he's capable of actually loving someone? He's more emotionally unavailable than a fucking sloth. He's a brick wall.

My phone starts to vibrate.


Pick up or decline.

If i miss another call she might bury me alive, i'd rather not take my chances.

"Hello..." i meekly answered the call.

"It's been a while since you've hung out over here. Get your ass to the King's room"

Nothing, i've been doing nothing but been in my thoughts like a Frank Ocean song. It is getting bored and now i'm over it, maybe i should head to the room.

"Is uhh... Adam there?"  omg worm for brains of course he's fucking there he's the KING.

"what?... not at this moment.. why?" Her tone shifted, it's as if she immediately understood where i was coming from. "Erika, come here" Rhi spoke in the background, urging Erika to join our call.

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