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He finally let go of my hand as I met with the others, but i didn't even realize how quick he blended in with everyone to just disappear

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He finally let go of my hand as I met with the others, but i didn't even realize how quick he blended in with everyone to just disappear.

My cheeks still felt warm from how close he was to me, the sensation of his hand tightly gripping onto mine.

We spent hours in the mall. Hours. One might wonder what could five people possibly do in a mall all for themselves for 6 hours. In the Kings case, it's shopping. All five of them had their own preferred store. Catering just for them. To Rhiannon it was Versace, for Erika it was Prada. For me it was K-mart. But dare i step into that side of the mall i probably would've gotten kicked out. Not that it mattered anyway, they've completely shut that side of the mall.

How fitting.

After endless bickering from both girls i caved in, against all my beliefs and comfort, they both bought me a dress. It was beautiful, something i could only imagine wearing in a dream.

"It's a bloody gift you fool now take it"

It was a silk bodycon dress to the length of my ankles, a long slit on embracing the right side of it.

"It's just so you" Rhiannon exclaimed as she picked it out for me.

Liam was the first to finish in the mall. Not that surprising, he's quite different to rest of the Kings.

"Yeah they do take hours in here, you'll get used to it. Amongst many other things" He chuckled softly. His glance was comforting, like i could just fall onto him and he'd be there to hold no matter the consequence. This is sorcery i know it.

"Are you looking forward to Godfrey's event?" 

 "I'm not sure" I replied. I haven't really thought about it. Ever since i heard of it, all i thought about was avoid going to it, and the Kings altogether. But it's not like i have a choice now that with the dress and everything. I'm nervous, I'll be the only one different from everyone at the event. What will they all be like? Talk behind my back? Are rich people snobby and mean like in the movies? I mean except Edward and Adam, the rest of the kings were more than nice to me, so that should mean something right?

Once again i'm asking myself, what the fuck have you gotten yourself into?

"Too bad Adam's taking you or i would've asked you myself" His soft accented voice took me off guard, a small smile plastered across his lips. Almost like a smirk. A small lock of his brown hair falling freely over his forehead. Why am i noticing these things?

Don't you fucking blush, don't do it.


Damn it.

I looked around the mall once again, taking in the ominously dark echoing walkways and darkened empty stores. It felt like a nightmare in which i was in some dystopian world like the Hunger games. But looking over at Liam, that uneasiness seems to gently subside. 

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