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Getting Adam to leave now that it was past midnight was a mission of it's own, he was pleading with his eyes that i come back him immediately

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Getting Adam to leave now that it was past midnight was a mission of it's own, he was pleading with his eyes that i come back him immediately. Refusing to let go of my arm he was gently asking me to come back with him.

"We'll be back in to time" he insisted. I can see on his face that he assumes I'll take off again and he won't see me again for another week. "Adam I'll be back the first thing tomorrow"

He's not rich for nothing, of course he's stubborn to compliment that. He refused to take my answer, his warm hand still gripping onto mine.

"Besides I can't leave Anna in the middle of the night all alone" i urged, which seemed to have gotten through to him finally, nodding his head to indicate he understood, not that he was any happy about that. Then why show up at this time of the night then fool? Couldn't this have waited till the next day?

"Uh...yes the fuck you can. I'm fine here, you go" Anna chimed in from out the window, eating a bag of chips watching me and Adam like it was weekly love island she's tuning into. Well I'm not surprised, we see drama we watch. Why else do we watch movies this much whenever we get together anyway.

"I'm not leaving you here alone Anna" i rejected, i turned to face her. My eyes attempting to send her a message to get her to understand I'm trying to stay back.

"Ive stayed here alone all this time" she mentioned as a matter of fact. She has been living alone all this time, but it doesn't feel right leaving her like that. I was gritting my teeth trying to send her a message through just my expression, hiding myself from Adam who was still holding onto my hand.

Did she get what i was trying to say? Yes. Is she gonna take my side? No.

She smirked, tilting her head and if she was about to commit a conniving crime, she looked like a snitch, she knew exactly what she's gonna do.

"Or Adam could stay here for the night"

She was trying her best to hide her smile. She dropped that bomb and left it for me to clean up. My eyes widened in shock. Oh my god this bitch.

"NO!" I almost screamed, trying to push away that outlandish insane idea Anna put out. "I'll go now" I replied in a defeated tone. We were playing checkers but she was playing chess. I was like a deer in headlights while she was trying her best to not to laugh.

I stormed back inside to pack my bags, this felt like the walk of shame or even worse. Followed by Anna's howling laughter. "Aww love you" she chortled, watching me as I pack. "Eat my ass" i joked back. This felt like packing my bags to go from one parents house to another.

I didn't even realize that i was in my skinny and pj pants, with my flip flops on, but since he and i had an entire moment outside while I was on my night clothes, I don't think he cares and neither do i. The good bad and the ugly rich boy, take it all in.

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