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James hit the ground faster than I could blink, the look on Adam's face was pure anger

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James hit the ground faster than I could blink, the look on Adam's face was pure anger. Darkness looming on his face. I turned to look at Erika hoping she's reacting the same was as I am, better yet actually has a plan to stop what's happening right now. Sure enough, she looks worried... but not worried enough for me.

God forbid I'm one of those pick me girls that jumps in the middle of two guys fighting screaming things like "this isn't you, look at me". Or some cringe shit like that because in all honesty, this is exactly who they are. This is exactly the kind of behavior I'd expect from Adam King.


There goes another punch to a face. I don't know whose anymore because my gaze is right on the floor. I can't watch this fight club nonsense, why are men so sensitive like this.

"Is this the best you got? King" mocked James.

How does he manage to make KING sound like an insult. How can you insult someone named king? Somehow he did just that.

Here we are, in a circle. Surrounding two grown ass men fight like it's UFC night. And no one, I mean no one is coming to stop their fight. Are people scared or just no one gives a shit.

Adam's shirt was ripped, and what used to the collar of his shirt is just now a big gaping hole. Oh and of course, his thicc pec was blessing us with it's presence.

Not that I was looking obviously, I couldn't. Because for that singular moment. Our eyes met. Huffing with a split lip, trickles of blood pooled on his what used to be his pink lips, grazing down his chin. He still looked angry. Eyebrows furrowed, but loosened as our eyes met.

Oh my god what do I do? Give him a thumbs up? You're doing great sweetie?

James' fist punched his gut in lightning speed. Right in the fucking gut. I didn't even see that coming. This could've gone for like four seconds but it felt like four hours. That was until we saw the crowd started to move, making way for someone.

I could feel myself feel relief when Rhiannon walked in, behind her were two cops. COPS???

"ENOUGH" she yelled. And sure enough, they both stopped. She got everyone's attention.

"Pack it the fuck up. James? You know you're not invited here, you need to leave." .... "And Adam? You didn't have to start a whole fight. Go home. Now"

"And what princess?" 

Adam smirked, not in agreement to James but because he knew the grave mistake he just made.

"I know there isn't much the cops can do, but not if both of y'all daddies find out what you've been up to"

Rhi moved closer to James, a venomous smile on her face. She gently lifted her leg, kicking him hard, right in the shin.

"And that's for being a sexist prick. Now scram"

Ugh women just *chefs kiss*.

That had to have hurt a lot more than any punches Adam landed on him because I could see the daylights leave his eyes. She did kick him right on that stiletto heel.

"I SAID SCRAM" Rhiannon screamed, The Whole crowd dispersing In a heartbeat, all going their own way like nothing even happened.

"Leave it to Rhi to clean up this groups mess" Erika sighed, before turning around and walking away, I could sense her being done with everything. Each footstep annoyed after another.

"You have a ride home?" Rhi asked me giving me her cute smile, as if she didn't just kick a guy in the gut with her fendi heel. "I uh I'm gonna take-"

"She'll come with me" that voice. That deep voice interrupting me. We both turned to face Adam, rugged and his hair a mess. Now wearing a leather jacket to cover his stretched ripped shirt. Dried blood on his eyebrows and lips. How can a man be in this much fo a chaotic mess look this good? I need therapy.

"Uhh no? Not after all this? You violent as hell absolutely not" I retorted immediately. He looked unamused at best.

"We need to talk anyway, I'll drive you home".

"Drive yourself to the hospital?"... "oh my god she said no" Rhiannon cut in, saving our asses as always.

Clenching his jaw he looked at Rhiannon, eyes darkened. He didn't have to say a word but it's like she got the message. Her demeanor changed. "I'll see you tomorrow baby" giving my hand a tight squeeze she walked away.



"Let's go"

"Why the heck you wanna drive me around so bad like I get it? You have a sportscar" I waddle behind him, as he started walking towards the parking lot, well, of course not the common parking lot but a different one. Designated just for them. Rich people

"Are you always this annoying?" He stopped dead in his track to look at me. Like really look at me. His eyes scanning me from head to toe. What the fuck is he doing? Oh my god stop.

"Is that what it takes for you to leave me alone". He smirked, tilting his head as a way to mock me. "You don't want me to leave you alone".

????? Pardon ????

Turning around to walk towards his car, he clicked on the keys to unlock it. Ugh fine. I hope he knows I'm taking the ride because I haven't recharged my bus card yet and I'm not in the mood to be a criminal today.

As I reached for the car door I could feel a hand snake behind me to reach for it first. Slamming it shut the second I opened it halfway. I quickly turned to meet Adam, who's just inches away from me. Towering over me, both his hands trapping me under him.

"What? What are you-"

"You need to stay away from him. This is not a fucking joke" his jaw clenched as he stared deep into my eyes. I could hear him breathe. Waiting for my answer.

"James? I.. I don't even know him... I... yeah okay?" He sighed, relieving his tensed shoulders. Lowering his gaze. I could hear a low grunt from him, as if he was in pain. His palms started to slid away from the car as he quickly grabbed the side of his waist.

"Adam? Are you okay?" I tried to reach his gaze, worry surrounding me. "Fuck" escaped his lips as he finally looked up to meet my eyes again.

"I'm fine" he said nonchalantly. As if he didn't just writhe in pain a second ago.

" no you're clearly not, and there's no way you're driving so uhh... let me just" i scratched my head in confusion. What do I do. I sure as hell don't know how to drive a sportscar.

"Let's go to the medic center in uni, we have to go Adam"

"Fuck no." "Adam". I exclaimed in annoyance. Now you wanna be a child again. I sighed in frustration.

"You're clearly hurt? Stop being stupid let's go".

"Antheia" he spoke sternly. His large hand gripping my waist, squeezing me tightly. Silence loomed over us, it was nothing but the sounds of his rugged breathing. "I have an apartment here, 7th floor"

"Okay fine let me take you" before I could move, his head fell on my shoulder. I could feel him breathing on my neck. Goosebumps all over me. The hair on my skin raise.

Oh my god oh my god what's happening oh my god.


Not a response from him. Just his slight breathing, his palm still holding onto my waist tightly and the other on the car door still blocking me.

My heart is beating too fast I hope he doesn't hear that. He's so heavy I can feel myself gliding gently.

"Don't move" he whispers.

Hi lovelies, yes I know I'm so sorry I took so long. I hope this new chapter will make up for it. But I'll update as much as I can. Thank you so much for reading!!

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