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It's been a while, a month maybe, since Liam was gone and we were slowly getting used to it

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It's been a while, a month maybe, since Liam was gone and we were slowly getting used to it. we'll always feel a gap in the room, like a sense of something missing, but we've learned to accept that.

We don't really know when we're gonna see him again or if, but we're all hoping we will. Someday soon. Is there a way to bring him back? yes. and the only one who's capable of doing that is Adam.

As the head he can pull out the state of emergency card and have all of the Kings in one room within a day, but he's not gonna do that. Especially due to WHY he left. I think Adam's heard of Liam but we just don't really know for sure, and he's giving Liam that space he wanted, the space he's told Adam he wanted.

"The only passive sane person in this group is gone, do you understand what this means? we're all a bunch of volatile crackheads with the one sane person to keep us in check, GONE!!!" Edward yelled, waving his arms over his head like he actually has gone insane.

I still haven't told anyone about Goodman's, that he owns the place. I go there everyday without fault, even for a few minutes just to check on the cats, give them a few treats. just so that they don't feel lonely without Liam.

He hasn't entirely left in a rush however, he's arranged two more employees in the place to look after the cats. I smiled at the sight of Vincent jumping about, placing a kiss on his soft little head before walking out.

There's a small part of me that hopes, that every time i walk in, he'd be there at the back. Reading a book in one hand and a cat cuddled up on his lap. His expression lightens up from that of a serious one, waving over to me with a big smile on his face.

But each time i tip toe to the back, a treat in my pocket. My heart full of hope. It's empty. it's just the cats greeting me instead.

I have come to terms with possibly not seeing him for a very long time, but that part of me can't stop but hope.

It's been a month since Adam and I have been together, and everyday has been as eventful as the last. I've never gotten bored with him around, he's either always on me, bringing food over or i urge him to watch a horror movie with me every night while he tries to put on a brave face; which is very obviously see through.

He's taken me to places i've never been like these bougie museums, exclusive parks and even backstage to some concerts. Plus i've taken him to places too, like the convenience store down the block.

But for some reason he doesn't like to admit he's frequenting there a lot, buying chocolates in bulk to which at one point the employee thought he was being robbed.

It's been eventful being Adam King's girlfriend, and i don't think i'll ever get tired of saying that either. He never fails to place a kiss somewhere on my face before we part ways for the day, either i go to class or he has some business to get to.

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