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I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT, I ACTUALLY PUNCHED a guy. He was an asshole, and deserved it. The rest of that day I got weird stares from people in campus. No one really said or did anything, just weird stares and whispering whenever I'm around. It didn't get to me that bad, I didn't care. I finished up my classes and just went back home.

I had classes the next day too, 7am. And this time if someone pulls something on me I will commit homicide. Because I have to face it, beating that rude entitled asshole in the face was truly satisfying. It's one of my top ten moments in life. However I hope I won't see him again, or the other two. Well actually, the other two gave off a whole new different energy in comparison to guy I punched, but still something so ominous because why would you even be friends with someone like that?

I couldn't help but remember the man who stood behind him. Smoking, his eyes studying me as his gaze trailed me from my head to toe. His jaw clenched as he watched me. His eyes darkened.

Who are they? Why did they emit such weird authority?

The rest of the night I couldn't get my mind off of them. Especially him. Part of me hoped I'd see him again. But it's not like he'd be alone. I don't want to see the leather jacket clad asshole.

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I went through the process of waking up in the morning and having to get ready at the crack of dawn and walk to college. How am I even managing this? Such is life I suppose. I was nervous to walk into college. I don't know what I'd do if I see them again. Do I run? I'm definitely going to hide. I can't punch him again or I'm definitely getting sued. Not that I mind, he deserved another punch.

Well at least the stares have stopped, and the whispering. People are just too busy and bothered with their own schedule to worry about someone else's business. That's what I love about college. People just mind their own business unlike high school.

I sat at table in the far corner of the library. There wasn't much of a crowd because it's only 7am. I wanted to get something to drink but I wasn't ready to face the cafe still, I do not want people recognizing me.

I have about an hour left for my class so I might as well just pretend like I'm doing some work when actually I'm just going to watch something. I put on my headphones ready to watch something stupid on my laptop, drowning out the bustling and sounds of people talking around me.

My eyes were invested on the laptop screen, the only sounds I could hear were of the stupid YouTube video I was watching.

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