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My phone kept ringing every few minutes

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My phone kept ringing every few minutes. First it was the girls, Liam and even Edward. My phone exploded with texts and calls the past few days. It's been almost a week since we came back from the trip. I feel awful ghosting everybody, especially after the girls being so amazing to me, taking me on this vacation, making sure i had the best of times. And i did.

That night seeing Jenna at the door set everything in course for me. Close to midnight i headed to the Kings room and left a letter. Something like a resignation. Sounds so dramatic but that's actually how you can leave the Kings. I would remember, that's one of the first things i asked from Adam, How do i leave?

I don't think i have anyone to blame but myself, everything was so visible. It was right in front of me but i let my feelings get the best of me and now look. In tears and a fucking mess.

Of course i knew the girls would barge into my place, which is why I actually headed towards my cousins place in the suburbs. I planned and got away for a bit. So theatrical i know, but i was right.

"We're outside your door, where are you you dramatic bitch?" I smiled a little, reading Rhiannon's aggressive texts. Meanwhile Erika on the other end sending crying emojis, trying to wriggle into my heart the cute way. I'm so sorry i had to do this, but I'm not in the right headspace to be in the presence of any of them, considering that Jenna is basically almost in the Kings herself, I'll be seeing her with the rest of them, as if seeing Adam isn't hurtful enough.

He did try to reach me. I don't think he even knows i came looking for him that night, but he called me the most. For three to four days straight, he just rang me. Like a ritual. Until he eventually gave up. I don't think i can bare to hear his voice right now. Or even see him. I lose all sense of myself and he actually makes me weak.


Why is he so confusing? Why does he act like he cares?

You have to be a new level of fuckboy to tell someone you love them and then go sleep with someone else the next day. My gut told me so, and so did Liam. And did i listen? No. I had to find out the hard way. Maybe this happened for a reason. And I'm partially glad it happened now, if it did after he and i gave us a chance. I would've been in shambles.

Being away from the city, with family was something I didn't know I needed. I was distracted from the mess and i was feeling homely and taken care of. Sometimes all you need is home.

I spent that week sort of cleansing myself, detoxing away the rich bullshit i had to face all this time. It's usually eat the rich and since i spent time eating WITH the rich, i needed that much needed spirit cleansing.

No I'm not eat pray loving right now, I'm just spending time away from everybody until this dies down a little. And then i go see the girls and explain everything. Just because i left the Kings doesn't mean we can't still be friends. They're kinda like my best friends.

"So why are you really here? Something happened didn't it?" Anna coaxed, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth. Her attention on the movie we were watching together.

I've only known my cousin Anna for about three years ever since I've moved to the city for University. We didn't even know each other's existence before. But ever since we met we've become the closest, almost like sisters.

"What do you mean?" I gently nudged, sharing the popcorn with her. "You think I don't know when you're upset? Something must have happened after your castle getaway" she quizzed, tilting her head so as to let me know she's aware of my changing moods within the week. Was i that obvious?

I mean i did go from enjoying the day and laughing with Anna to suddenly have everything dawn on me again, shifting me to a very closed off mood.

Okay so i was very obvious.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her everything, I'd have to start from the very beginning. Bring up Adam and explain everything, which will only open a can of worms I wasn't prepared to face; so i just brushed it off, saying I just needed a break from the city. Which in hindsight, is true.

We spent the whole night watching movie after movie. I mean thats what we do usually whenever i come over. Just like two sloths, we binge movies and then get McDonald's takeout at like 3 in the morning. This is what our life has come to and I'm not complaining one bit.

"I get off work early tomorrow, you wanna come hang in the city?" Anna asked, now eating her chocolate sundae while i sipped on my soda at 3.30 in the morning. Why are we like this? This is literally what adulting has actually come to. Being able to eat junk and watch movies at ungodly hours of the day and have no one say anything to you, because you can.

The idea of heading to the city was nerve wrecking, the city is big enough place to not bump into people you know. Besides they're busy people, they're not gonna be on my ass all this time. Their calls and texts died out within the week, just like Adam's did. I wonder if they've forgotten me already? Has Jenna already filled in for me? Much to Edward's disgust.

Finally heading to bed at 5 in the morning, i could feel myself dozing off with exhaustion. Exhaustion from barely doing anything at all the whole day. Sometimes doing absolutely nothing at all can be extremely exhausting, this entire week as been nothing but me being on my ass being the laziest I've ever been. Do i regret it? No.


My phone buzzed. At 5 in the morning? I groggily checked my phone just for my heart to drop, i woke up immediately, rubbing my eyes furiously just so i can read the screen better.

"I miss you Antheia, come back to me" A text from Adam. What was he doing at this time of the day? I reread the text over and over again, my heart doing somersaults inside my chest. It's been almost a week, why am i still feeling this way about him.

What game is he trying to play? How can he text me like this when he's literally seeing someone else. Where's the shame? Trying to control myself from not replying back i clicked onto his contact card, pressing the bold red, 'block contact' button.

If my actions haven't been dramatic before, it sure as hell is now.

The worst part is, i miss him too.

My update times are so chaotic rip, but I hope you're enjoying the chapters! Thank you for reading!!!

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