The berg flew away from all the chaos and destruction that's occurring in the Last City.
Brenda pressed the red button to close the hatch. The others tended to Thomas and Mallory. Vince noticed that Thomas had some severe cuts and burns. Joel pulled away from hugging his daughter to see blood on her shirt. He lifted it up to see the gunshot wound on her stomach.
Everyone was doing everything they can to keep their friends from leaving them.
The pain was great for Thomas and Mallory to bare, so they closed their eyes. Everyone tried to shake them to get them to wake up again, but it was no use.
The berg finally arrived back at the Right Arm's base. Everyone onboard got off.
Vince ordered for everyone around to help load every necessity and person onto the big cargo ship. The plan is to set sail for the Safe Haven in the morning and leave everything behind to start new lives. Everyone was working frantically throughout the night to prepare for the long voyage that lays ahead of them.
Joel, Luke, and Courtney stayed by Mallory, while Minho and Brenda stayed by Thomas. They were all so worried that they would lose them after all they've been through.
Bright orange beams got their attention. It was the sunrise. It was a good way to start a new beginning. Then, the loud noise of the cargo ship's horn was blowing. Vince and Jorge came into the room where the casualties were being held. They knocked on the door.
"Come in." Minho said.
"Guys, it's time to get them on the ship." Jorge said, leaning on the doorway.
They could tell that they were hesitant.
"It's gonna be okay. They're in good hands." Vince assured them.
They stepped back from their friends and let some other Right Arm people grab the stretchers to carry them to the cargo ship.
The remaining people got onboard and the ship's horn sounded again. Everyone was on the top deck, standing by the railing. Then, the ship was moving away from the dock. Everyone was cheering that they were finally getting away to start new lives. As far as anyone was concerned, they're not out of the woods yet. There's no telling how long they'll be at sea.
Joel was beside Mallory's bed, holding her hand. She still hasn't woken up yet. He hasn't left her side since they got rescued.
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in." Joel said.
The door opened, and Luke and Courtney came in.
"How are you doing?" Courtney asked.
"Okay. I just can't stop thinking about her." Joel exhaled.
"You've been in here for a while. How about coming with us to get something to eat and walk on the deck?" Luke offered.
"Thanks, but no. I need to stay here in case Mallory wakes up." Joel said, declining their offer.
"Alright. We'll bring you something." Luke said, then the two of them left the room.
They went down to the dining hall to get food. Brenda, one of Mallory's friends, noticed them and invited them over to their table.
"Hey, guys." Luke said as he sat down.
"Joel's not with you guys?" Frypan asked.
"No. He's still with Mallory, as usual. We're gonna bring him some food later." Courtney explained.
"That's understandable." Brenda said.
"So, how cool does it feel to be reunited as a family?" Minho asked.
"It feels good. We never thought we would see the day come." Luke said.
More conversations started as people ate their meal. Luke got food for his brother and went back to the room.
"Hey. I brought you some food." he said.
"Thanks, mate." Joel said.
Luke left and walked on the top deck. He stood by the side, resting his arms on the railing and looking out to sea. Courtney saw him and stood beside him.
"You doing okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah. I'm just worried about Joel and Mallory. She's still in a coma and my brother won't leave her side." Luke said.
"I know, I feel the same way too. But, they're in good hands." Courtney said, taking his hand into hers.
"Yeah. We still have a long trip ahead of us though. I just hope it gets better, instead of worse." Luke said.
"I hope you're right." Courtney said.
The Right Arm's cargo ship has been at sea for two days now. Everyone has been wondering how much longer it'll be before they arrive at the Safe Haven.
Worries have been running higher than ever for Thomas and Mallory's sake. Luckily, Courtney has been working day and night to check on their conditions, as well as the other kids who have been injured or traumatized.
It's now morning of the third day. There was a lot of commotion on the top deck and everyone was standing around the railing.
"LAND HO!" someone shouted over the ship's intercom.
The next thing they know, dry land could be seen off in the distance. All of the kids and the Right Arm people were cheering in excitement.
They've finally arrived at the Safe Haven!

The Priceless Variable
FanfictionThis is a Maze Runner + for KING & COUNTRY story. Mallory wakes up to a whole new world. A giant, unsolvable Maze with a group of boys, plus one other girl. One of the Gladers finds a bag that has the new girl's name on it. There are some clues ins...